Dr. Oz – “The Dukan Diet”

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to eat anything you want and not gain weight? Dr. Oz explained how with the “Dukan Diet” which is a new French diet that has no calorie restrictions. Millions of people are singing the praises of this diet. With the Dukan Diet, no foods are off limits.

“You can eat anything you want for 6 days a week, ” stated Dr. Oz. “On the 7th day you follow a plan.” The creator of the Dukan Diet, Pierre Dukan, sat down with Dr. Oz to discuss how the diet works. The Dukan Diet has 4 phases.

Dr. Oz – The Attack Phase. During the attack phase of the Dukan Diet dieters are permitted to eat as much lean protein (fish and eggs) and as many calories as they choose. Dieters cannot have fat or carbohydrates at this phase; the body will burn stored fat. Additionally, dieters are required add one and a half tablespoons of oat bran to their diets daily. The oat bran will help dieters feel full faster, and improve regularity of bowel movements. Dieters can expect to lose up to 10 pounds during the attack phase.

Dr. Oz – The Cruise Phase. The Dukan Diet cruise phase encompasses the attack phase, and allows dieters to add one additional food, such as non starchy vegetables, every other day. The cruise phase lasts about 10 weeks until dieters reach their goal weight. Dr. Oz had some concerns about not having vegetables each day, which means dieters are missing out on some important nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Dr. Oz – The Consolidation Phase. This phase of the Dukan Diet helps to stabilize dieters. Carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and cheese are now permitted. During this phase dieters are allowed to have 2 meals each week consisting of anything they want – junk foods, and they also have to follow the requirements of the attack phase one day a week.

Dr. Oz – The Stabilization Phase. This is the final stage of the Dukan Diet. At this stage, dieters are permitted to eat whatever they want for the rest of their lives, and not gain any weight as long as they follow 3 rules: 1 – Dieters must choose one day per week to consistently eat only protein; 2 – Dieters must eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran daily for the rest of their lives; 3 – Dieters must use the stairs instead of elevators or escalators, and walk 20 minutes each day. However, dieters are permitted to eat any foods they choose 6 days a week as long as they uphold the 3 rules.

These are the guidelines for the Dukan Diet. For more details about the diet, read “The Dukan Diet” by Pierre Dukan, or visit the Dr. Oz show at doctoroz.com.

“The best way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet,” said Dr. Oz. Before making major changes in your diet it is a good idea to consult a health care professional, especially if you are taking prescription medication.

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