Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 11 Vs Microsoft Windows 7 Speech Recognition

In the previous article on Windows 7 Speech Recognition I talked about the reliability and functionality of the software that is included with the operating system. Although most of the time it worked well there were some challenges. Simply put, you didn’t always understand me the way I wanted. However, that kind of thing was better than me, which was helpful. It also sparked my interest in interacting with the computer by using voice commands to control it. In this article I will compare Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 11 by Nuance against my experiences with Microsoft’s Windows 7 speech recognition program.

Microsoft Windows 7 Address Recognition Although quirky, it worked most of the time. He raised a question in his mind. What is the use of speech recognition by some of the most knowledgeable developers of recognition software? So I chose Dragon Naturally Speaking. It turned out to be a good choice.

The Dragon moniker has been around for quite some time. In fact, it was in the mid-1980s when DOS-based computers had the first basic speech recognition. Since then, 11 generations of products have been produced. They have proven to be a public practice. They are so good at producing products as a personal dictation system for different professions, such as doctors and lawyers. And when the doctor dictates the notes, they are automatically placed in medical records and electronic systems.

The more and more I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium Edition, the more I love it. It is much faster than Microsoft’s speech recognition and has a higher level of accuracy. In fact, I had to repeat a few manual corrections. It seems even better with normal speed of speech. So far I have used this article as dictated. But I am clearly delighted with the result.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking comes in several add-ons, legal, professional, premium, and home. Many features are native to all varieties of this version. The current version is 11. One of their great strengths is their accuracy of knowledge. The company claims it’s 15% more accurate out-of-the-box than the previous version of the product. The next feature is speed recognition. This means that words appear on the screen faster than typing. So it is okay to have constant feedback about what you say when you say it. Version 11 now supports better correction methods. Much like the Windows 7 correction system, Dragon NaturallySpeaking learns from the way you correct your words, sentences, and phrases.

Nuance has done a good job of designing their services. End users are supposed to use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox . They also considered the use of other Microsoft products such as Microsoft Office. This includes several versions of Microsoft Office from 2003 to the current 2010. Although I have not tested other versions of the product, I believe that it will be the same. The main difference in the products seems to be around the specific types of languages. These other versions use specific medical or legal language and vocabulary.

Over the years generations of thinking and engineering have proven that Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 11 is absolutely worth the money. It’s one of those great pieces of software that just works the way you need it to.

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