Easy Mexican Dinner

It’s easy to make Mexican food these days. If you are pressed for time and have to prepare a meal for several people Mexican Food can save the day. I enjoy rice and beans and it seems to be a good base for most Mexican dishes. But nachos are probably the easiest and fastest well sort of Mexican food to make. I go to the store and purchase tortilla chips. I prefer the yellow or blue ones but you will find white one also. These three varieties are made with different types of corn. The blue tortilla chips always seem to be the most expensive but are supposed to be the most nutritious. Try to find the type that you like with out salt, because some of the salty ones seem to have a little to much salt for me. While you are at the store pick up a can of refried beans, better yet have some in your kitchen at all times. They can come in handy for whipping up other Mexican dishes at the spur of the moment. Cheese is a great to have for nachos, If you want to get a little bit fancy. You can use several different types of cheese also. I like to use American cheese, mild cheddar and a white cheese. This gives the nachos a more complex flavor. Sour cream is great to put on them as a garnish. Also if you like hot peppers, the sliced up kind have a bottle of them around to.


1 bag of Tortilla chips
1 can of refried beans
Hot peppers
Sour Cream
1 onion

OK now the easy part, if you have a micro wave which most of us do it makes it pretty easy to make nachos fast. If not you can use the broiler in your oven. But watch out because you can burn them in the broiler pretty easily. Spread out the tortilla chips over a micro wave-able plate. Take some refried beans and plop them on top of the tortilla chips. Put as much as you want, some people like more beans than others of course. Next use graded cheese and sprinkle it on the top of the tortilla chips and beans. Ok its time for the micro wave, Place the whole plate in the micro wave, do not micro wave it for to long. Just long enough to melt the cheese and heat up the beans, This is really simple and after you make them once or twice you will find short cuts. I can usually make 5 plates in a matter of minutes and micro wave them one at a time. Now that you have taken them out of the micro wave place them on a hot pad and warn who ever is going to eat them that the plate is very hot. You may now add sour cream, chopped up onions, hot pepper or what ever else you want on top. I prefer to just micro wave the beans chips and cheese and ad the condiments later. Give them a try they are so good easy and fast!

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