Elance is absolute gold among writers looking for work, and not only that, but its security, plus guaranteed payouts, can’t be beat.
Since I registered (it’s free) with Elance last September, I’ve had solid work, mostly from clients who continue to have me.
Elance database of jobs in the world, which is continuously updated. You place a business order that includes your proposal, and you will be notified by email if the client has chosen you.
If he is not sure and wants to know more about you, he can send you an email asking for more information.
You can respond to clients or prospective clients through your regular email, which is delivered to the client through Elance; the client never knows your personal email address; Elance is a medium for correspondence. Alternatively, you can sign up on Elance and respond via “Work”.
When you accept a job, it becomes active in your Workroom. You can respond back and forth with the client either through Workroom or through regular email.
Either way, all correspondence is included in the Work as a 100 percent accurate record of the correspondence.
Through Workroom you can send completed work as attachments; do not send by regular email, so as not to be received.
The beauty of Elance is that in order to initiate the work, after the client chooses you and you accept, the client must be responsible for the satisfaction of the agreement.
Assuming this, the client cannot get his money back unless he can prove, through the correspondence of the Workroom documents, that you provide a poor service. religion
So if you complete a job satisfaction, he has no choice but to then “release” your money. The Elance account. From there, deposit the money to PayPal or ask Elance to send the check.
Imagine a client wants to scam you. Well, he can’t get his money back because it’s in Elance’s trust fund. If you are happy at your work, that money will pay you.
So if you suddenly don’t want to pay and Elance tells you you did a crummy job—all Elance needs to do is praise you in the Correspondence Workroom. This Elance system guarantees that you will get paid.
The client never knows your email address unless you give it away, which you shouldn’t, because Elance will not consider any correspondence that takes place through personal emails, as part of the client’s defense they will not release funds.
Every transaction is permanently verified by an Elance client, so you can easily track it.
For writing jobs that the client wants to pay by the hour, Elance has a handy time hunting tool.
As it is written Elance jobs are types and include Web content, articles, e-books and blogs, creative, academic, sales and technical.
Comb through continuous job postings for updated writers. When you order a writing service, it shows your profile to the client and everyone else who views the order page, although only the client and your proposal can see and order.
Customers will appreciate you, and a five-star rating is the highest. A prospective client may invite you to join their new job, although often, the invites may not match the person you ordered.
If you are a writer with a freelance writing jobs continuous flow, check out Elance – a goldmine for writing jobs.