Exfoliate Your Hands to Restore Youth

Exfoliate your hands to restore the youthful look of previous years. Your hands don’t have to say you’re old. They can say, “I am young no matter what my biological age may be.”

Do your hands say you are young or old? If you haven’t done so before, take a quick look at your hands to see which statement is being made. Are they wrinkled, old looking, veins popping out everywhere? Your hands need the same daily care you give your face and other parts of your body. Age shows on our entire body. Yet, most of us never consider the age our hands reflect.

We make sure and moisturize our hands daily or we should. However, hands require and need additional care. Sometimes we hide our hands under gloves. Sometimes, we add a few rings or a watch even a bracelet thinking this will mask the ‘aging’ appearance of our hands. Adding jewelry only emphasizes the age even more so.

Step One: Clean Your Hands Thoroughly

The first step in any and all beauty mechanics is to clean the area thoroughly. We tend to wash our hands more so during the day than ever before. Some of us work in areas where we come in contact with numerous items of ‘yuck.’ We hold on to the hand rails in subway cars or buses, we open doors that have been handled by thousands, we push shopping carts and have no idea what has been on them. So cleaning your hands before attempting to massage anything into them is a must. Clean your hands by washing them with plain old soap and water. No need for anything fancy. Place the soap on your hands then work it into a lather. Rinse thoroughly and rewash a second time. After washing, rinse your hands well by working the water over the entire hand up into your wrists.

Step Two: Dry Your Hands

Remove all soap completely making sure your hands feel clean. After removing all soap and guaranteeing your hands are completely clean, rinse them with cold or warm water. I know! Most of you want to use hot water and in some cases hot is recommended. However, when preparing to exfoliate, use cold or warm water at least on the last rinse. Dry your hands completely. The salt used in most exfoliating products will penetrate the skin into the pores too deeply if you use hot water.

Step Three: Place Exfoliant On One Hand

It only requires a small amount of exfoliant to obtain results desired on your hands. Place a nickel sized drop of exfoliant on the back of one hand. Take the other hand and begin to massage the exfoliant into the hand. Some say rotate the exfoliant and others say to move it from the wrist to the tip of the fingers. Either way will result in great results. Massage the exfoliant into the hand being careful not to rub too hard. After massaging the one hand, take the other and use the remaining exfoliant.

Step Four: Rinse and Dry Your Hands

Rinse your hands using warm water making sure all the granules of the exfoliant have been rinsed away. Rub you hands together and you will notice the hands are smooth, soft and feel like velvet. Your hands will thank you for days to come by appearing young with either decreased or no wrinkles left. You will love the feel and the renewed glow to your hands.

Exfoliating takes only a few minutes. When you have discovered the best exfoliating product for you, you will want to exfoliate daily. If the product used is mild, you can probably use it daily. However, exfoliating is recommended only once weekly or every ten days. Some beauty experts advise exfoliating once every two weeks. You can be the best judge of when u need to exfoliate remembering to prevent damage, less is more. If using exfoliating products, follow the directions on the package. Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin.

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