Explanation of the OSI Model

The seventh layer is the application card and helps one computer to communicate with another computer over a network. The Accumsan application compiles the data that needs to be sent with the application and then sends it to the presentation layer.

The sixth layer is the presentation layer which helps to illustrate the data. The presentation layer adds a header to the data that holds the requests and information if applicable. When sending encrypted data it then compresses the data to send to the session layer. When receiving the decrypted data and the information is released to the introduced applications.

The fifth layer is the session layer and is in charge of administrative and security functions. This layer is also responsible for the connections between the two network devices between the stories.

The fourth layer of transport is the data is transferred and without errors in data is transferred. A transporter takes a packet of data and breaks it into smaller pieces. When this layer receives the data, it creates certain files in order to reduce each part of it into a single part.

The third layer is the network layer and ensures that data is in order when it moves from one node to another in the network. If you don’t have a large population, you need to take it as a layer, a layer as a dui. This board is also responsible for making decisions about connecting networks, closing links and keeping links going.

The second layer is the data link layer and is in charge of moving data over the pipeline. When I post the information for this board, please make sure the link is available for delivery. It will then convert the “notes into streams for delivery to the bottom layer”. (Merkow & Breithaupt, 2006, p. 262). The data link layer will receive the NIC and remove the first header.

Accumsan is the first layer of the body that receives and cares for the body’s signal. Here is a layer of everything that is corporeal in the form of a network. The physical layer is responsible for transporting data from one network device to another.

Packet filtering resides in the lower three layers of the OSI model. The physical layer is a layer that allows more than one device to communicate with each other. The data connection layer ensures that the data transmission has no errors. The data link layer takes chunks of data and puts them into larger blocks of data called tables.

Then the network layer will process the data in the correct order when it is transmitted. With packet filtering you can set up a router that must meet certain criteria to receive packets. If the packets do not meet the set criteria then the data will be dropped.

Firewalls check traffic up to the application layer. A firewall can be set up to allow some data to be transferred over the network or to block it all. It may be decided to leave some company information, provided that the destination specification is met.

The firewall will examine the information contained in the header of the information packet that is trying to travel through the network. The checked information includes the source of the email, the destination and the applications to which it is sent. A firewall operates at the network level of the OSI reference model.


Merkow, M. S., & Breithaupt, J. (2006). Information Security: Principles and Practices. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Personal Education Inc. Retrieved May 21, 2010

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