Picture walking into the most popular restaurant in town for the first time. You walk through the huge doors, feeling the heat through the opening. In the restaurant smells hundreds of different types of food are prepared. All that is heard is the sound of forks and knives clattering on plates, the people speaking and orders being taken. What is missing? Music! Without music in the background setting the mood and harmony of the restaurant, the sound is bold and boring. Music plays a much bigger role in today’s society than many people really want to believe. People listen to the radio, watch T.V., and even listen to music in restaurants! Overall, music has more positive effects on the world than negative ones.
In fact, music has more of a positive effect on the world than a negative one, but most people don’t know this because they have a hard time defining such an abstract concept. When the common people are asked to define music, they don’t even have a clue! Most people think that music is only songs that are heard on the radio and seen on T.V. The dictionary says that music is “Anart of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in meaningful forms through elements rhythm, melody, and color. Many sounds that occur throughout the day can be recognized as music, and the general person cannot recognize it. Music plays its many different ways.
Not only does music come in many forms, but it is the most important way for us. For example, let the image go without music for a whole week. This means getting rid of all the music on T.V., music at work, music in the stores, finally life, a very boring and repetitive life ! Music does many different things to us, it satisfies us in different ways, but most people can all agree that musical effects are almost entirely subjective. In the abstinence of music, all people would know how important music is to everyone.
Along with the great moment of music, there are many different types of music in today’s media. There are countless genres or genres of music. Some of which are: Rap, Rock, Hip-Hop, Rhythm and Blues (R&B), Rock, Alternative Rock, Blues, Pop, Jazz, etc. Each type has a different style and affects people differently. . Some genres tend to be faster and more lyrical, while others tend to make people more non-lyrical in their music. For example, Rock is a very broad genre and is expressed in many ways. Some groups enjoy screaming at the top of their lungs, some prefer to speak in a softer tone. In contrast to Jazz, it is much less lyrical. Most of all, the mood in jazz is set by the sounds of the instruments in the foreground. Listeners have different preferences in the way artists express their music.
With so many different types of music, the result is that the music can often determine one’s mood and tone. Music can be influential in many different ways. A song that makes someone happy or enlightened can often make someone sad and depressed. People who can release their emotions by listening to and interpreting music instead of others tend to have a much happier life. This is because people really need to express their emotions, but they don’t like to talk to others, and music is a way to stimulate their emotions.
Now let’s go back to the restaurant. In the business of walking, after knowing the true definition of music and its effect on people, do you really want to listen to music in the background? When everyone understands how important music is, everyone will have a better understanding of its positive effects. Music comes in many different forms and is expressed in many different ways. People listen to music in different ways. Overall, music has more positive effects on people than negative ones. Again, while listening to music, stop to think about how much positive effect music has on the public, and how many ways music can affect people’s emotions.