Eye Fatigue: The Implication of the Computer

Millions of people sit hour after hour in front of a computer monitor day in and day out. Not only do they use computers at work, but they also use them at school and at home. For many workers, the onset of visual impairment leads to headache head and a decrease in work performance. For the mouse, this translates into significant reductions in productivity and therefore impact on profit lines.

In order to improve the eye health of their employees, I say that they encourage more options for more eye-friendly environments in which to work. Simple ergonomics, the position of the equipment, keyboards and chairs are not neglected. However, the improvement of eye fatigue in employees goes beyond the basic concept of ergonomics.

Eye fatigue, in workers, is the result of long-term use of a computer monitor, without interruption. In computer terms monitor performance, to reduce eye fatigue, the monitor should be placed from a distance of 20 to 26 inches away from the workers’ eyes, with the window background color matched to a pale or pastel color. Through this, the contrast of the text on the screen is raised. In addition to background color adjustments, it is recommended that the employee adjust the brightness of the screen to a book or below the level of brightness in the room. When the brightness is adjusted, if the screen continues to cause eye fatigue, I suggest buying an anti-glare screen to further reduce glare and glare.

In the office situation, in the prevention of eye fatigue, the employer must take care of the computer monitor and does not face or back up to the window. The window, instead, should sit next to the monitor. Document holders should be available so that the employee does not fit documents while trying to look at the monitor and office walls should be painted a darker shade of white, with a matte finish, to reduce glare from the outside.

And I say that these services and operational modifications should continue to provide additional personal training to employees in ways to avoid prying eyes. exhaustion First of all, the worker should be encouraged to use the current prescription to avoid eye strain. Strength breaks each 30 minutes in which the worker takes a two or three minute break, blinks slowly 10 times, strains the neck muscles, and then stands and stares into the distance to give the eyes a break from focusing hard. If necessary, workers should be supplied with drops to prevent eye dryness.

With computer monitors and eye strain among the leading causes of shortsightedness, in young adults over the age of 30, employers need to all take precautions to avoid eye fatigue of the employee. When working on a payroll with individuals who are expected to use the computer hour after hour, practicing proper tension and relaxation methods is provided in addition to work environment, workers work less with eye fatigue and slower deterioration of visual acuity.


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