Facial and Body Piercing Side Effects

There are many side effects that can come from facial and body piercing.

Allergic Reactions Many people are naturally prone to have an allergic reaction on the skin or in the bronchial system. Allergic reactions are usually present if you’re experiencing breathing problems, rashes or swelling of any kind. If you’ve never had a piercing before; it is probably a good idea to test your reaction to the metal you plan to be pierced with. You can do this by purchasing a small jewelry item or even a piercing made of this material. Attach it to a string tied pretty close around your neck for a week or so. If you have no reaction; then you can probably pierce comfortably. But, if you feel any sort of itching or see any sort of reaction; you should consult a physician before going any further with your piercing plans.

Cross-contamination is getting an infection from dirty needles. You must go to a clean and licensed piercer to avoid issues like this. Proper health precautions are absolutely necessary in piercing. When you’re pierced with an unsterilized needle; you can run the risk of infection from HIV, hepatitis and other blood carried diseases.

Infection If you do not keep your new piercing clean and sterilized; then infection will surely follow. Infection can cause even greater health problems like blood poisoning and major three dimensional scarring. Infected piercing work is not pleasing to look at at all and can lead to very dangerous and expensive health conditions.

Nerve Damage This is a less common health risk-as long as you’re working with a professionally licensed and healthful piercer. But, nerve damage is still considered a risk and does happen from time to time. If your piercing is not done in a safe area of the body; a nerve could be pierced. This will destroy the nerve and make the area around the nerve numb. You will loose feeling.

Excessive Bleeding Excessive bleeding is no fun. Some people are prone to this condition. If you feel you may have this condition based on previous injuries; you may not want to pierce. The maintenance may be very laborious for quite some time. Excessive bleeding can occur if your piercer hits a large blood vessel. If this happens, then cauterizing is necessary. You will have to go to an emergency room; and you will have to incur the extra costs involved in this.

Keloids Keloids are very simply a form of scarring. They are excessive scar tissue that build up on a three dimensional level. Keloiding is common in many people. The best way to know if you are prone to keloids is to look at other people in your family.

If your mother suffers keloids; it’s possible that you will too. For example; my mother is prone and can only wear clip on earrings. I do have small knots on my ears; but they are internal and not noticeable. I didn’t develop them on my ear piercings on a three dimensional level.

But, I still got them and can feel them if I rub my ear piercings. I can wear pierced earrings without a problem; but am cautious about risking keloid damage with additional piercings on the hard tissue of my upper ear or belly button. I’m still thinking about the belly button though.

If you are starting to notice a keloid after piercing; the best way to prevent scarring is to remove the piercing immediately and keep it clean and sterile. Treat it like an injury and it will probably heal unnoticeably. You must then let go of the idea of piercing that area. Sometimes you will get lucky and the keloid will be so small it is unnoticeable. But, if you notice one developing that seems to be growing fast; just stop and let the piercing go.

Pain If you don’t like pain; piercings in certain parts of the body are just not for you. Tongue piercings are said by most to be especially painful; as are peircings of the private parts soft tissue and nipple area. Some people are more sensitive in some regular areas then others are. Just like being ticklish in one area that someone else is not. This may apply to piercings. Just because your ear piercing didn’t bother you doesn’t mean that piercing your belly button won’t hurt insanely. You must be prepared for extreme pain in the new area you want to pierce. If you don’t have pain; good for you. But, if you’re prepared; then you’ll be better off.

You Won’t Be Able to Donate Blood for One Year After Piercing This is a rule. You cannot donate blood for a year after you’ve been pierced. If this is an important part of your life or if you have a family member that will need your blood in the coming year; then you need to postpone piercing.

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