Facts About Lavender

Lavender is a wonderful perennial flower. It is great in bouquets and can even be dried. If you wish to add it to your garden this year, here are some facts about it that you may want to know.

Growing lavender in containers

Lavender can be grown in containers as well as the grown itself. Actually, many gardeners may prefer to grow lavender in containers because of the drainage.

If you choose to grow lavender in containers, never allow them to sit in standing water. You should also remember to move the pots into a garage or shelter in the winter.

Dividing lavender

Once your lavender plants begin to grow, they can be divided. However, this can be hard to do since most of these plants will grow to look like a shrub. What you can do is check out their branches to see if any of these has taken root. Sometimes this will happen when the branches touch the ground. In these cases, you can dig out that part of the plant and divide it.

Plants should be divided in the early spring just as the buds are beginning to swell and new green growth is appearing.

Trimming lavender

Lavender should only be cut in the spring and only if they are well established older plants. This will help prevent bushiness and helps to remove dead tips.

The main blooming season is June through July. After this blooming season is over you can give the plant a light cutting to remove any spent flowers.

Do not over water your lavender

Lavender plants do not need to be watered daily. They do not like wet soil. Wet soil can cause them to develop root rot. It is a drought tolerant plant

Lavender comes in a few colors

Most lavender plants are traditionally blue and purple. However, there are some varieties that come in pink which included the English lavender and Spanish lavender which is yellow known as “Lemon Leigh”.

Young lavender plants do not always bloom

If your lavender plants are young, they may not bloom. A young plant may need a period of chilly weather before they begin to bloom.

Lavender plants known as “Lady” and “Vicenza” may begin to bloom their first season.

Cutting and drying lavender

Always cut lavender in the mornings.

After cutting, place them directly into water. You can prolong their life by changing their water daily.

If you wish to dry lavender, tie the blooms together with a string or rubber band. Hang them upside down to dry. Place in a cool dry place. It can take up to 2 weeks to dry completely.

If you wish to make a sachet out of lavender, strip the blossoms from the dried plants and place into a small bag.

If you love the smell of lavender and your enjoy gardening, why not try your luck this year and add a lavender plant to your garden mix this year?

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