Facts About Menopause

What do a black bra and your doctor have in common? Menopause of course! September is National Menopause Awareness Month.

Where does the black bra figure in here? It is the only thing four women have in common -at first-whilst meeting up in a department store in the play- Menopause the Musical.

Four women meet up and through song and witty dialogue learn that they are not alone.

Neither are you. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. A time when giving birth is no longer an option for her. A time when her body goes through several changes. So often in the past, woman struggled with this ‘event’ alone. So often discussing symptoms were taboo with doctors and family. Not so anymore. Talk to anyone you can and educate yourself. Menopause marks the end of fertility, not your life!

Facts about Menopause- Go see it!!! Live!!!

There is a musical out now! Go see it! Take your mother, take your daughter, or take your friends. I am going to see it in two weeks, myself. Through music, wit, and laughter enjoy the visualization of several questions you may have and be provided some answers. At least some that you can share with your doctor.

Facts about Menopause – symptoms

Symptoms include; hot flashes, night sweats, rapid heart beat, mood swings, difficulty sleeping through the night (night sweats and all), crying “fits”, irregular periods and a dry vagina. Another big symptom is the desire to NOT have sex. Add to the mix, irritability, anxiety, memory lapses, and incontinence and you find yourself- well- not feeling like yourself. Think that is all? Not by a long shot. Are you experiencing a burning tongue feeling, body odor problems, itchy skin, ringing in your ears, gum problems, tingling in your extremities such as fingers and toes? Do your nails crack and /or break easier? Suffering from depression? Thinning hair? Have your allergies gone wacko? Do you find yourself plucking not just your eyebrows but your entire face, from an increase in facial hair? Reoccurring headaches, bloating, gastrointestinal problems? What about sore muscles? Feeling five or more- talk to your doctor. Feeling all of them, what are you doing reading this? Get help! These are symptoms that are normal with menopause. No wonder for so long it was defined as a woman’s silent passage. No one wants to admit they are going through all this- used to be they would be considered crazy or that is was all in their head. Not so anymore. These symptoms are real.

Facts about menopause- physical changes

Life is all about change. We changed when we became women, when we became adults, when we became parents, and so on. This is just one more aspect in our lives that change must occur.

By the time you reach menopause, hopefully you are already enjoying a healthy and nutritious diet. But if not, then do so. By eating a more health diet, we are allowing ourselves to de-stress. We are lowering the stress threshold for other physical ailments to creep up, such as heart disease. No need to add that to a full plate of menopause. (Did you read the list of symptoms?)

Facts about menopause- external changes

Hot flashes? Turn the thermostat down at night. Dress in layers, so that you may be able to “strip” as needed. Drink cold water. Wear breathable clothes. Not wanting to have sex does not last! Talk to your doctor to see if anything other than menopause could be the reason for you sudden “not tonight, not ever!” mode. Drink more water. Walk more. Take care of you. Some doctors are of the belief that HRT( hormone replacement theraphy) is needed. Others take a more natural approach through herbs and vitamins. Discover which one is best for you.

Facts about menopause-laughter is paramount

Menopause begins around age 51- you have a good forty years left. Do not count out laughter. Now comes the fun part. You are grown and have done it all. Now do what you want.

Education is the key!

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