Facts About Tension Myositis Syndrome

Tension myositis syndrome (TMS) is typified by back pain that can occur in the soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and nerves of the neck and back. Tension myositis syndrome was first theorized by Dr. John Sarno of NYU’s Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine in the late 1970s as he researched the reasons why people complained of back pain according to an interview on WebMD’s Medscape. What he found was that for many patients, there was no physical cause of back pain and instead Dr. Sarno focused on emotional causes of pain. Once he did this, treating the emotional problems became the basis for relieving back pain.

Dr. John Sarno

As he was working at the Rusk Institute at New York University, Dr. John Sarno became frustrated by diagnosing back pain but never getting any results from treatment. When he started investigating further, he realized that the problem was not in a physical condition but with an emotional one.

He found that what causes pain in the back, an even the legs and feet, had been mild oxygen deprivation in some patients. Instead of a nerve problem in the back that may send altered signals to nerves in the legs such as sciatica, when the brain sends more blood to other parts of the body it will deprive oxygen from less prevalent parts of the body for a certain time.

It is this slight oxygen deprivation that Dr. Sarno theorized produces tension myositis syndrome. When muscles are deprived oxygen they start to ache and hence the pain in the back, legs, or feet. In short, tension myositis syndrome is mild oxygen deprivation that causes pain. This oxygen deprivation is caused by the body’s response to a stressful situation.

Dr. Sarno has written three books on the subject that cites several studies that reinforce his claims that stress, as opposed to structural abnormalities, can cause back pain. What he does is put the studies’ claims to use in a clinical sense and compares results. The correlation is undeniable he says.

Can Stress Cause Back Pain?

Looking at what stress does to the body, a sudden tensing of muscles can cause strain and pain in general. According to Centre for Stress Management, stress very quickly increases the strength of muscles, increases heart rate, and dilates blood vessels in the heart, leg, and arm muscles.

Some body systems require more oxygen in a time of stress than others. The deprived areas will temporarily suffer while the ones that need more energy won’t. The problem lies in that some people don’t relax from the stressful situation and continue to have a stress response. When they feel pain, the stress increases and even more pain can ensue. Hence there can be chronic pain in the back, or tension myositis syndrome.

Dr. Sarno says the way to treat TMS is through emotional therapy instead of physical cures. However, he does say that things such as deep tissue massage, exercise, and deep heat ultrasounds can all help relieve the deprive areas of pain.

Consult with your doctor if you have chronic back pain that won’t go away. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered actual medical advice. Dr. Sarno’s books can be found on Amazon.

My sources of information include WebMD’s Medscape and the Centre for Stress Management.

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