Facts and Figures About Parkinson’s Disease

If you have been recently given the diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease, you are probably wondering what the statistics are about those with your condition. Parkinson’s disease statistics show that Parkinson’s disease is often left untreated and undiagnosed. There are currently around a million people in the United States with Parkinson’s disease. That is 1 in 272 people who have the disease. However, it is also estimated that 1.10% of the U. S. population, or 1 in 90 people, have the disease and do not yet know it. These numbers show that Parkinson’s disease is becoming a common condition. Chances are you know someone who was or is affected by this condition.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease that does eventually lead to death. Each week in the United States 280 people die from the condition. These Parkinson’s disease statistics are disheartening, particularly for the new Parkinson’s patient, but it is important to realize that a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is not a ticket to an early death. Many people live with the condition throughout their expected lifetime. While Parkinson’s may be the cause of their death, they live to a ripe old age in spite of having the condition.

If you have Parkinson’s disease, don’t let these statistics get you down. Instead, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. There is not currently a cure for the condition, but you can use medication to keep your symptoms under control, allowing you to get out there and enjoy the rest of your life! Statistics are just numbers, and your doctor is a better person to trust to diagnose the severity and end result of your condition. So talk to your doctor, and start treating your disease.

The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

If you are looking for support and more education about Parkinson’s disease, you should consider contacting the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. The Foundation was founded in 1957 with the purpose of raising money for scientific research about Parkinson’s disease, providing support to Parkinson’s patients and their families, and educating the general public about the condition.

This non-profit organization has raised over $70 million in funds to support research into treating and possibly curing Parkinson’s. In fact, the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation is the leading organization funding research into the disease. The Foundation also works as an advocate in the government for those who suffer from Parkinson’s.

One thing the Foundation has done is to support those with Parkinson’s is creating the People with Parkinson’s Advisory Council. This unique group allows people in the organization who actually have the disease to speak out on behalf of their fellow sufferers. This group serves as an advisory panel to the entire Foundation as they choose where to send funds and what research to promote. Group members serve on the counsel for two years before being replaced by new members, ensuring fresh, new ideas are always being presented.

Because those who do not have the disease often have difficulty understanding what the Parkinson’s patient is going through, the Foundation works to provide informational literature, round table discussions, and other forms of community education. They also provide patients with access to information about new treatments and trials of drugs to treat Parkinson’s. Education is an important aspect of the work of the Foundation.

If you or someone you know suffers from this debilitating disease, you should seek the help of the Foundation. The encouragement, education, and support you will receive are priceless. All services are provided free of charge, so if you need this support, get it right away. Through education and support, you can learn to live with the effects of Parkinson’s disease.


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