Falsely Accused? – How to Deal with Child Protection Services

Two years ago, my 14-year-old daughter became a troubled teen. One of the worst things ever happened to our family was reporting false allegations of abuse to CPS. Of course we were visited by a social worker from Fili Protective and it was one of the most terrifying things. I have experienced it. I acted under immense pressure in a way that did not belong to mercy and I learned little in the process. Here are some of the things I know about CPS false allegations of abuse.

Don’t be unprepared; know your rights!
I wish I knew this. This times I can not tell parents. Don’t wait until you have a child before you learn your rights as a parent. Find out what local laws are regarding CPS visits. Get a copy of your rights, print them out and keep them somewhere where you can get to them quickly if needed. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that it won’t happen to you because it can and does.

Keep a folder with printouts of state and federal laws on child welfare services. Be prepared to submit these to social workers. If they threaten to remove your kids from your home, ask them about the “reasonable efforts” requirement to keep families together and “prior placement preventive services.” Let them know that you know the law!

When CPS knocked on our door and demanded to enter our home without a warrant, we did not know that our officer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, had signed a document that granted us the right to request an appointment. This bill gave us the right to tell the social services not to let them into our house, the moment it appeared to us. We were under the impression that the Gestapo as a fighting system had to surrender and let them in our house.

Unless there is reason to believe, there is an imminent danger to people inside the CPS home and the police have no right to enter your home without a search warrant and, if you give your requests your rights. However, you should know that if you deny access, immediately believe that you have something to hide and call the police. Call their counter and ask to see the warrant investigation. In my case, I was the only one at home when they showed up and when the police came, I thought I had no choice but to let them in. I was wrong because there was no question.

Do not be angry.
I know this is hard, but you can get angry, things are shit. I was already devastated by my daughter’s actions and when CPS showed up it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I became alarmed and even called a social worker to help the police on the spot. When she was writing her resignation letter, she stated that I threatened her.

CPS workers do not care about the stress you are under. They don’t care if your heart is just ripped out, and they don’t care if you’re careless. You are responsible in the eyes of those who harmed the child.

Even if the social worker who visits you has a reputation of being 20 years old. The child abductor never names, argues or gets upset. Simply present them with your hand-printed books, copies of the law, and inform them that unless they have an inquiry, they are not to come inside. Smile, be polite, leave your contact number and close the door.

Work with CPS.
It sounds like I’m contradicting myself, but I’m not. When the social worker told me that I threatened to call her a dog, the first thing I did was contact her supervisor and set up an appointment . to meet in person. My husband and I sat down and discussed the issue with the social worker in question and her supervisor.

I made a complaint that day, at that moment, with his superior for violating the rights of privacy and for the use of the Gestapo system. When the social worker threatened me, I asked how I did it. She told everyone in my room that I called her a dog. She had no proof that I had threatened her, and finally had to admit that calling her a bad name did not constitute a threat. In the end I received a written apology from her and our local CPS class.

If I didn’t want to work with CPS and meet with them in person, they would use whatever information they wanted in the report. Rather, they learned through us and our interviewees, our other children, family members and the school administrators that our daughter had. we were slandered and we were innocent. Do not try to hide from CPS or avoid them, because even though it is difficult to deal with, flight leads to CPS principles.

Use a video recorder and tape recorder during the visit.
As long as you tell them they are being recorded, you are within the right to record the incident for your records. This is due because there are social workers who believe they have the upper hand and do not have to adhere to the law.

For your protection, they move everything that makes a social artist. In addition, make notes and write down all the words the social worker says to you and your responses. You have the right to request that a social worker attend and be patient while you read the session. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by memory and don’t settle for receiving a copy of the search report that will likely be inaccurate.

Don’t trust CPS Social Workers.
Social workers don’t come to investigate because they believe there are two sides to every story. They are there to prove that you have harmed the child in one way or another. Social workers are doing their job to pay their bills and in this way they are looking specifically at getting rid of your dirty family. washing They are building a case against you, not for you. They work hard for your child who may or may not be telling the truth. Force them to prove their case against you, but do not help them to do, as they say, this their duty.

Don’t talk too much.
Social workers have a tendency to twist your words to suit their case. If you speak too plainly, be careful that what you say turns on you. Say as little as possible, and still answer the questions. You don’t have to judge anything.

For example, if you tell a social worker that you were abused as a child say that, like someone who was abused, so you have turned into an abuser. Even if you check with other family or friends phone numbers, they will be asked about your behavior and in many cases by the social worker They said that if they report against you they stand to gain something and if they cannot be caught in the investigation. It is common for CPS to use family and friends against you.

Make your other children.
There are opportunities for CPS to work at your other children’s schools to meet them. Let’s not leave the rest of the kids in the dark because they will be scared when confronted by a social worker. Inform your children that they have the right to tell the social worker that they do not want to answer interview questions without a parent or attorney present. Your other children also have rights. Don’t trust the schools to do this for you because they are so under the thumb of CPS and they won’t call you to tell you that CPS is there to meet your children. If your child says something wrong, they will be taken into custody on the spot and scarred for the rest of their lives.

You will find somewhere for your child to stay in the meantime.
This will be difficult to deal with because your child turned you in to CPS. you can feel angry or betrayed by your child. If CPS does not immediately remove the child from the premises, for any reason, it has arranged to do so. The easiest way to do this is to find somewhere for your child to stay during the investigation and notify CPS that you are placing the child elsewhere until the investigation is complete. You don’t need to go into detail about why you want to do this, but know what they are asking. If you wish to explain this on your part, inform them that you are allowed time to deal with the force of the investigation and not to proceed further.

Meanwhile, while your child is staying elsewhere, do a thorough search of the child’s room. Collect some letters, blogs, journals or articles that will prove your child has had some problems and collect proof from the therapist doctors, pastors and clergy proving how you have dealt with those difficulties. Keep these items with the rest of your documents, but do not hand them over to CPS. If you need to provide this information, make copies and send only the copies, not the originals, to the social worker by email that requires a signature.

Keep records in Research and Exit
When CPS concludes its investigation, it will not send you a letter to inform you of the results. You may never hear from them again. When CPS investigates you, your name and case will be entered into a database. This database will include research results. If found innocent, CPS is supposed to remove the name from the database, but they don’t always do that. Write a letter to CPS and ask them to remove you from this database and ask them to send you a confirmation letter informing you. they would have done that.

If he is unfortunate enough to think through a trial like this, even though there are a number of social workers in private, abducting children and tearing families apart for various reasons; their order still preserves the lives of children. It is a sad fact to have such an organization, which causes more harm than good, yet there is still a small pool of help for really abused children through child protective services.

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