Famous Ghost Sightings Around the World

One of the most intriguing phenomenons is the apparition of ghosts or spirits. For centuries sightings of disembodied spirits have been reported around the world. Are these ghosts just a figment of our imagination, or is there really more to these spirits than just a children’s fairy tale?

Sensationalism has defined the word “ghost” as a dangerous hideous spirit which rules and dominates the night. But in reality these spirits in most cases seem to be unaware of their mistaken presence, much less ours.

Listed below are some of the most discussed and also most famous ghost sightings around the world. Although as time goes on in these haunted places the living pass away, but the ghosts still remain.

Tower of London

For over 900 years the Tower of London has developed a very mysterious history and reputation. This tower is the home of: beheading, torture, and also numerous hangings. This famous tower was also a prison to some of the Nobles throughout history.

The “bloody tower” was the scene of the infamous murders of two princes: Edward V (12) and Richard Duke of York (10) in 1483. According to sources, guards in the 15th century passing the tower spotted two small figures “gliding down the stairs.” The spirits stood silently for a short time then faded into the stones of the tower.

These figures again were spotted in 1674 and identified as the “two young princes.” Workmen at the tower complex discovered a chest which is believed to contain the skeletons of the young princes. A royal burial and ceremony was provided for the two young men.

Queen Ann is reported to appear near the Queen’s House, as well as her headless body walking around the corridor of the tower. The Queen of England who was the second wife of Henry VIII was beheaded in 1536. Most of the ghostly figures spotted at the tower have been those who have met their death on this historic spot.


The land down under is also known for its paranormal activity. Ghosts are said to be disturbances in such cities as: Perth, Brisbane, and also Sydney. In a beautiful Mall in the middle of Brisbane, the second floor of this Mall seems to be quite haunted.

Consistent rumors have surfaced about the spirit of a former shopkeeper who roams throughout the second floor of the Mall. This female ghost has repeatedly been chased by security guards but always seems to escape around the next corner without a trace.

The Plow Inn in Brisbane, which was built around 1800, is also a frequently haunted establishment. Local residents report that the female spirit which haunts the Inn was reportedly strangled to death in the 1920’s. Now this spirit seems content to haunt the Inn and the patrons forever.

Eastern Airlines Ghosts

The crash of flight 401 was a tragic event which took place in 1972. Pilots: Bob Loft, and Don Repo were two of the 101 deaths which occurred during the crash of flight 401.

Since the crash the spirits of Loft and Repo have been identified by numerous people. Planes which were outfitted with parts from flight 401, and also aircraft which was flown by these individuals seem to be hot spots for the spirits of these aviators.

Over twenty occasions witnesses have identified these spirits as the ghosts of Bob loft, and Don Repo. Are their spirits trying to rectify their accident aboard flight 401, or do they just not realize that their bodies have passed from this dimension.

The White House: United States

No residence on Earth seems to be excluded from celestial spirits, even the White House where the President of the United States resides. This famous residence also seems to be active with paranormal activity.

Numerous witnesses have reported seeing the ghost of a soldier walking up and down the corridors late at night in the east wing of the White House. The spirit of Abigail Adams is often seen hanging laundry in the east wing.

It’s also been stated by several sources that Winston Churchill refused to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom after seeing the spirit of the late president.

Mount Everest is also said to be haunted by the ghost of Andrew Irvine who died while climbing the peak in 1924. This ghost was first reported in 1975 by Dougal Haston, and Doug Scott. The ghost of Irvine has also been reported by numerous climbers since the initial sighting.

The famous Winchester house has reported 143 ghosts’ sightings in the house. Reports of a piano playing, and also voices throughout the corridors continue to haunt the house.

Old women and time period butlers have been spotted along with the ghost of Sarah Winchester roaming throughout the house. Others have witnessed ghostly faces peering out of numerous windows in the house.

Some of the hot spots in the house include the “Hall of fame,” the Winchester bedroom, and of course the séance room.

Other paranormal hot spots in the United States include: Gettysburg Pa, Queen Mary in Long Beach Ca, and also Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville, Ky.

Remember to bring along your cameras on these hot spots where shadow people, orbs, ghostly nurses, and disembodied voices make their presence known throughout the corridors of these haunted establishments.

Asian Spirits

Singapore is also considered by many to be an area of paranormal activity. People who have visited the beach houses in Changi have reported being slapped by an unseen presence.

On St. John Island a spirit repeatedly calls for help then disappears into thin air perplexing those who hear its desperate calls for help. This island is also the site where the spirit of a ghost reportedly killed a local resident.

If a spirit or a ghost was seen in one spot by several people maybe it could be written off as vivid imaginations or conjecture. But, as you can see these disembodied spirits are witnessed around the globe by all walks of life.

Have these spirits lost their way to the light, or do they not realize that their physical body has passed on? Maybe some day when our consciousness awakens a “ghost whisperer” can help these poor souls find their way to the next life, and beyond.

Source of information: http://hubpages.com/hub/Historic-Ghosts-Sightings

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