Female Alpha Dog Behavior? You Betcha’

I have a friend who says he only goes out with one other hour — he calls Dyads. Why? He says that when the females are together in groups of 3 or 4, they are notable for their strength combined with the skills of the alpha dog in animal groups. She does not believe them, for she says: In an emergency they can turn on each other in an instant.

He knows – he endured his behavior.

So what is Alpha Dog Behavior? This is the kind of thing that Jack London wrote in “White Fang” or “Call of the Wild”, where one of the dogs becomes the leader of the team. .

They were saved by the block of lead from the animal’s hindrance; in this way he compels someone to surrender, for the power of fighting cannot be fierce. The team is based on a smooth, cohesive force.

We are familiar with the behavior among men who compete for power in the business world (it’s the dog-dog world), but I never thought about the same behavior pertaining to women.

Until the present day………..

It happened when our group went out for lunch. One woman in the group (a former nurse) shared how she “woke up one morning without breast on one side. Having had a mastectomy and reconstruction, Another woman in the group said she had experienced a similar thing.

As she continued to speak, the nurse began to tell the other woman that she did not need to undergo a mastectomy because her cancer did not require such an extreme response. Even more incredible: The nurse gave her an on-the-spot diagnosis without the other woman’s medical knowledge.

We were all shocked.

He got to thinking: Women who are usually empathic and nurturing (don’t we associate women with these terms?) are suddenly corrupted into titans of one-upsmanship in social settings. Experts want to enlighten, whatever the cost;

And then I remembered: I have experienced a form of this behavior before. When I was 25, I attended awareness-raising meetings for women from the local National Organization for Women (NOW). While there we discussed pregnancy, domestic abuse, labor issues related to fair wages, maternity leave, etc.

I went for another reason: To pay my future course in an abusive marriage.

When the facilitator invited us to our shared events, I was led into a personal hell: my husband had been the proverbial “love of my life”, and after eighteen months we got married. But almost from the moment following our wedding, it was as if the veil came down, delineating our roles: he was the lead player and I was relegated to the position of the rear. On the occasion, when I came out from the prescribed form, I brought forward serious observations in the form of physical abuse of the time physical-abuse .

Now I come as hope from a group of sisters.

As I finished the conversation, the woman sitting next to me said, “I wonder what happened to you. You seem much stronger.”

It was there – for the stated reason, I brought the offense upon me; which I invited because I am weak. I just didn’t send enough clear and consistent messages to my husband that I wasn’t with the travelers.

Over the years, I forgot that Alpha Dog Behavior can be characteristic of women, too. Is it the only line? There is never any beauty, no matter which kind he uses. If he had a legitimate reason to be in the desert, among the animals, so that things could survive, the reason is lacking in humane society.

Here is that greatness, which has appointed the reverence of one, at the expense of another.

*** Click it for more information about Alpha Dogs and feel free to share your Bad Alpha Dog experience……..

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