Fighting Fatigue from Hypothyroidism

For some patients with hypothyroidism, including my wife, medication alone does not completely eliminate the fatigue associated with this condition. Most people with hypothyroidism suffer from some degree of fatigue, which can range from mild to severe. For example, our friend only sleeps a little around nine o’clock, while my wife sometimes needs three hours of rest to make it through the day.

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, you can combat fatigue in different ways, especially if your medication (such as Synthroid) doesn’t seem to be making a difference. The following are some of the things my wife tried through her own trial and whether they worked for her or not.

earlier to bed, earlier rise

My wife does not like to sleep more than eight hours during the night as or night last year He went to bed (if you believe him about three o’clock). Rising at five o’clock in the morning instead of the usual seven, he found that his fatigue did not reach him until the early evening, which was a definite improvement. If you have hypothyroidism, you may want to try adjusting your sleep patterns to see if it makes a difference. Obviously, this option is not possible if your card does not allow it.

Less Alcohol Attraction

Until she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my wife consumed copious amounts of caffeine every day, from coffee to diet soda to black tea. After her diagnosis, she ended up going to one Diet Dr. Pepper started in the morning, and one glass iced tea in the afternoon. The more it happens in energy boost in those periods of consumption, which helped to stay awake all day. In some cases, fatigue can be combated with an extra pick-me-up.

Long South Walks

Since many patients with hypothyroidism experience acute fatigue during the afternoon, my wife decided to start taking long walks after lunch. She thought that exercise could make her vegetate and stimulate her metabolism, but it had the opposite effect. Although exercise is an honest way to combat stress, this may not be the case with some hypothyroidism sufferers. Of course it should work for you.

Short Cat Naps

If you suffer from hypothyroidism and are looking for ways to fight fatigue, you can take short naps during the day. Although this has not worked for my wife, who sleeps for hours if she sleeps, she has heard from friends and acquaintances that it works for some people. Just set an alarm when you fall asleep thirty minutes or an hour later and wake up feeling less tired.

Your diet

In addition to taking meds and visiting the doctor regularly, my wife discovers that diet can have a huge impact on fatigue for those suffering from hypothyroidism. She was eating too many fruits and vegetables, which included fewer categories but provided very little energy. Similarly, carbohydrates can give you a momentary boost, then send you plummeting into exhaustion. It has been discovered that loading up on protein-rich foods, especially fish, can have a positive impact on your daily life.

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