Find the Source of Your Depression

Everyone feels down every now and then, however, some people experience what is known as depression. Depression is a more severe and long lasting low mood that can dramatically impact your quality of life. In some cases depression is caused by brain chemical issues, however, in many cases the root cause of the depression is some element of the person’s life. If you feel like you are being overwhelmed by your life, that you are sad more often than not or that you have given up on the possibilities of a better life then you may have depression that has a life root cause. These tips will help you to find the cause of this type of depression.

Tip #1 – Examine Your Personal Relationships

One common cause for mild to moderate depression is relationship problems. To determine if your relationships are the problem you need to examine how you interact with the important people in your life. You need to determine if there is a relationship or a common relationship trend in your life that is causing your pain or discomfort. For example, you may have a problematic relationship with your mother-in-law, or you may have communication issues with your spouse.

If this is the cause of your depression then you need to find a way to fix the relationship issue that you have. This can be done through the use of a relationship counselor or by eliminating the problem relationship.

Tip #2 – Examine Your Lifestyle

Another issues that can lead to mild or moderate depression is living a lifestyle that you just aren’t happy with. For example, you may want a lifestyle that is family centered but you have to work 60 hours a week to pay the bills. In this case your depression can be caused by your dissatisfaction with how you are forced to live your life.

If this is your root cause for depression then you need to evaluate your situation and find a way to reinvent your life so you are happy. For example, if you want to spend more time with your family and less time at the office then consider looking for a different job that provides you with a better income and less hours at work, or you can start a home based business where you are in charge of when you work and when you spend time with your family.

Tip #3 – Examine Where You Live

Where you live can also be contributing to your depression episodes. The amount of light that an area gets, the weather patterns, the community dynamics, the amount of crime that the area has and the socialization opportunities that your neighborhood has can all contribute to your happiness or dissatisfaction with your life. If you experience depressive symptoms when you are at home but are better when you are away from home then your neighborhood may be the problem. In this case the only real solution is to move. When selecting a new place to live you will want to select a place that has the neighborhood features that you are interested in. This means you will need to create a list of desired community features.

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