Finding Inexpensive School Uniforms

Ah, the joys of school uniforms. They provide a nice, clean look for students and eliminate the whole “I’m not going to wear THAT!” battle that often ensues after morning corn flakes are munched away and the coffee is poured. Even more beneficial, they make it hard to tell which kids have parents willing to shell out the big bucks for top-dollar duds, or those (like mine) who think spending full-price at Wal-Mart is a splurge. And what parent hasn’t added a little skip to his step at the idea of actually saving money by purchasing school uniforms? After all, students in schools that don’t allow for wardrobe diversion don’t need as many items of clothing. High-dollar jock-themed sports shoes, rock t-shirts, and expensive blinged out jeans aren’t required. That penny jar on the counter just has to fill up, right?


Unless your school has a fairly loose dress code, or the school uniforms required only entail something simple (like collared shirts and kakhi pants), sending your little student to school can add up quickly, especially if you have a girl. I was shocked when I began shopping for my oldest daughter’s required clothing. Shirts easily cost $20, jumpers (from the well-respected suppllier, Parker Uniform) averaged $80. That didn’t inlcude the navy cardigan, requried sweatshirt for physical education class, or shoes. My son’s items were going to be a bit less-expensive, but that brought little relief to my stressed-out wallet. Then I did a little comparative shopping–and the results were amazing. What I learned about finding inexpensive school uniforms saved my hundreds of dollars–and can help you, as well.

Talk to Your School Secretary
Like most businesses, the secretary is almost always the one who is “in the know.” I talked to mine and found out that our school offered a resale boutique to offset the costs of school uniforms. Parents would donate old uniforms that their children had outgrown, thus allowing other parents to purchase slightly-used pieces for a fraction of the cost. Instead of having to spend $10 for school shirts, and then another $5 to have them monogrammed, I spent a grand total of only $5 for shirts that were used, but monogrammed already.

The secretary can also provide you with other money-saving tips, as well. For example, our secretary pointed out monogrammed shirts weren’t needed on the days the girls wore their jumpers, as the monograms would just be covered up, anyway. That little tip alone saved me a minimum of $15 dollars in monogram money.

Take Your Time
Often, we get in a rush to buy all of our kid’s supplies at once. After all, we don’t want them to go without, do we? If you want to save money, though, you’re going to have to take your time. Find out what the minimal number of items your child can get by with for one month, and buy only those pieces. You’ll then get a feel for what you really need, how many of each item you need, and whether some items are really needed at all. For example, the school recommeded that I purchase three navy cardigans for my daughter and son. However, I quickly learned that we could easily get by with only one cardigan per child. Money saved? $80.

Shop Around
When it comes to monogramming, this often isn’t possible, as schools usually have only one monogrammer with their specific logo. However, you can shop around when it comes to purchasing school uniform pieces, and this is where you will most likely save the bulk of your money. Finding inexpensive school uniforms is easy, if you know where to look. Below are some options, as well as brief descriptions:

Thrift Stores
My mom used to make me buy my school-picture dresses in these, but I’ve since overcome the trauma of wearing the little blue-flowered number in my fourth grade photo to save some big moolah. I quickly learned that polo-type shirts can be bought for as little as 99 cents, and shorts and skorts can be had for pocket-change, as well. Uniform companies can charge an arm and leg for these items, and discount stores usually charge a reasonable amount, but 99 cents for a like-new shirt is, without a doubt, a bargain. My biggest find, though, came at Goodwill. For $1.99, I found a brand new jumper for my daughter. I saved nearly $80 on that one purchase alone!

The Mall
Did you know that stores such as Sears,Dillards, Macy’s, and JCPenney all carry inexpensive school uniform pieces? Best of all, local stores generally try to stock items that schools in your specific area will require. Also, other retailers (such as The Gap and Talbot’s Kids) also carry uniform pieces in both their physical and online storefronts).They won’t always be your cheapest option, but they can be alot less expensive than shopping through the school or uniform supplier.

Discount Stores
Wal-Mart,Target,Kohl’s, and Ross usually carry inexpensive pieces. Also, these are great places to buy belts, ties, socks, and other hosiery items. I purchased our childrens’ cardigans at Kohl’s for a mere $8 a piece. Can’t get out to your local discount store? Don’t worry, many of their items are also available online.

Online Vendors/Auctions
This can be trickier if you have a specific plaid to match, but many inexpensive school uniforms and pieces can be found on sites such as Ebay and Craigslist.
Land’s End offers pricier (but reasonable) items, and other online retailers, such as Hall Closet Uniforms offer reasonable prices.

No matter what your budget, school uniform prices can throw you for quite a loop. Adding incidentals such as belts, cardigans, socks, and gym wear can make a once economical prospect become a hungry, money-grubbing monster. However finding inexpensive school uniforms is easier today than ever before. You just have to take your time.

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