Five Fabulous Health Benefits of Oysters

Most people either love them or hate them. There’s little in between when it comes to a taste for oysters. While the pearl oyster is renowned for producing beautiful natural and cultured pearls, other oysters are notable for their distinctive taste and texture when boiled, steamed, fried, or enjoyed on the half shell. Some people avoid eating oysters because of their high cholesterol content. Despite this, these sea creatures do have some positive nutritional properties. What are the health benefits of oysters?

Health Benefits of Oysters: They’re low in fat and calories

Despite the perception that oysters are high in cholesterol, they actually contain only around 50 mg. of cholesterol per serving which is well within the recommendation of less than 300 mg. per day. Plus, six medium oysters has only one gram of saturated fat and 57 calories. With this type of profile, oysters can be enjoyed in moderation by almost everyone.

Health Benefits of Oysters: They’re high in protein

Oysters are a decent source of low fat protein with six medium oysters containing about six grams of protein. The protein found in oysters is high in quality and is usually easier to digest than land based forms of protein such as chicken and beef.

Health Benefits of Oysters: They may really be an aphrodisiac

Oysters have often been called aphrodisiacs, but there’s been little scientific evidence to back up these claims – until now. A study presented to the American Chemical Society revealed that oysters contain two amino acids that raise levels of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Higher levels of testosterone generally have a positive effect on sexual response, although it’s less clear-cut whether higher estrogen levels are important for libido. Nevertheless, there may now be some scientific basis for calling oysters aphrodisiacs.

Health Benefits of Oysters: They’re high in zinc

Oysters are the richest source of zinc of any food around. Zinc plays an important role in wound healing and in maintaining a healthy immune system. It also may help to prevent night blindness. Zinc deficiencies are common in alcoholics and people with kidney disease. They’re also a good source of other minerals including calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Health Benefits of Oysters: A good source of vitamins

Oysters are a good source of vitamins including vitamins A, B, C, and D. Seafood is one of the few natural dietary sources of vitamin D, a vitamin that’s showing new promise for disease prevention.

What’s Not So Good about Oysters

Oysters are relatively high in sodium making them a poor choice for people with heart disease or hypertension. They also may contain a bacteria called Vibrio that can cause illness when oysters are eaten raw, particularly in those with a weakened immune system. The best way to reduce this risk is to broil or grill them until well done. They’re also not a good source of omega-3’s as are some forms of seafood.

The bottom line? Well cooked oysters are a healthy source of protein for those who don’t have to watch their salt intake. Plus, they may have the added benefit of spicing up your sex life!


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