Five Fat Burning Workouts for Women

What are women’s fat burning workout regiments? What types of exercises are they? How is this different than slapping in a generic exercise DVD and working out to it? The answers to these questions will indeed be touched upon. However, let’s find out what constitutes a fat burning workout. These would be the slow, aerobic, long duration types of exercises involving the major muscle groups. Your body burns more fat with lower intensity cardio exercises.

There are different types of exercises that give different results. Certain calisthenics burn more sugar than fat. The sugar burning aerobics deal with brief spurts of movement followed by rest. This only results in more sugar that is needed for fuel instead of fat. These particular workouts for sugar burning would be sprinting, golf, tennis, racquetball, and basketball. Of course they are beneficial for overall health, but they will not burn as much fat as a specific fat burning oriented workout.

Now we come to unveiling what these fat burning exercises are. Keep in mind at all times the more muscle groups you use the more you’ll burn fat.

1.) Swimming – Water aerobics is an excellent way to exercise, not to mention burn fat, since the use of water greatly reduces the risk of muscle or joint injury. By being in the water it helps continuously cool the body from overheating. Flotation devices help with the mitigation of gravity by putting less stress on the joints for stretching. A standard water aerobics class lasts about 45-55 minutes. My sister is a member of her local YMCA and has taken water aerobics classes for years. She absolutely loves it. Unfortunately a disadvantage with these exercises is the availability of public swimming pools in any particular area. The places offering water aerobics requires a membership, such as the YMCA or YWCA. Whatever the obstacles this is a great fat burning workout to consider.

2.) Elliptical Trainer – It’s a stationary exercise machine to stimulate walking or running without causing intense pressure on the joints. The dual action handle bars, e.g. cross country skiing machines, will definitely exercise more muscle groups that is essential in fat burning workouts. These machines produce an intermediate range of motion in the legs like that of stationary bikes and treadmills. You can begin with a gentler pace and work your way up to the more intense ones. Many elliptical trainers have models for home use starting at under $500. The machines are much quieter than a treadmill.

3.) Cycling – A stationary bike has low-impact movement that doesn’t put a great deal of stress on the joints or have sporadic motions like other fitness equipment. This is perfect cardiovascular exercises, because it is safe, effective, and once again, low-impact.

4.) Jogging & Running – The traditional treadmill offers a great deal of advantages than jogging or running outdoors. For starters, you no longer have the excuse not to workout due to inclement weather. Treadmills offer the reduced impact by providing a type of shock absorption. It also reduces the strain on the ankles, knees, and the lower back. There are disadvantages too, such as the loud noise they can produce in close quarters, the equipment taking up a lot of room in a small apartment or condo or home. Also, if not properly used can cause injury.

5.) Walking – Using the treadmill for 20 minutes a day, then progress onward as your fitness level increases is a wise idea. This applies not just for walking, but for the other stationary machine activities too such as jogging, running, and cycling. Initially, 3 days a week for a fat burning workout goal is appropriate, then increase it to 5 days a week as you become more fit.

These fat burning workouts for women increases the metabolism, something that is a challenge for women, which means you’ll burn calories long after you exercise. Women who exercise on a regular basis develop more fat burning enzymes than women who don’t exercise at all. Therefore, if you want to reduce body fat, eating properly will always help. By combining this with the best fat burning workouts, it will give you the excellent results you are striving for.


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