Five Great Bike Routes in Las Vegas

Las Vegas isn’t where you may think to go when looking for a great place to bike, however those who know are familiar with the classic runs around Lake Mead, the hilly, scenic tours to the west and the long, challenging routes the local trails and highways offer. With minimal traffic and gorgeous scenery, the area around Las Vegas offers much to those who prefer two wheels instead of four. Listed below are five different bike paths and some of the benefits of each.

The Red Rock Canyon Route

To the west of Las Vegas you will find the Red Rock Canyon Trail. This path, measuring roughly 43 Kilometers and taking you midway to Bonnie Springs, is both scenic and easy-going for most bikers. An on-road trail, many bikers will use this route for a weekend workout. Bring water and remember to pace yourself- you’re not in the city anymore.

Mount Charleston/Mountain Springs Route

If you take 159 out through and past Spring Mountain Ranch State Park (also an excellent place for some off-road biking and scenic hiking, by the way), you will eventually come to Mountain Springs and Mount Charleston. This is known as a relaxing ride, as much of the ride is both on-road and rural. Be warned, if you take the full route, it can easily hit over 102 Kilometers. Not for the easily tired, but definitely for the scenery-lover.

Lake Mead, South Shore Route

Depending on who you ask, there are multiple routes you could take around and near Lake Mead. Midway between the dam and Lakeshore Drive along Route 93, a trail diverges towards the rugged south shore of Lake Mead. From here, you can take a challenging off and on-road course that will eventually deposit you in the Boulder Beach Campground. A great way to kill a day, this run is a mere 6.7 KM, but it makes you work for it. Take a swim afterwards to cool off!

Lake Mead, Western Shore Route

If you want something a little more extreme, might I recommend the 80 Kilometer trek that is Lake Mead’s western shore? Start in the city and take 147 east bound towards Lake Mead. Follow it around to the North Shore Drive split and continue south. Eventually you will hit 166. Veer east to follow the lake, and continue down through the Lake Mead National Recreational Area. Eventually this route will also deposit you near the Boulder Beach Campground. While an on-road course, this is a beautifully scenic route, offering spectacular views of the lake and a great escape from the city.

Indian Springs

Depending on where you start in Vegas, this route is known to be nearly 126 Kilometers long! This route is a stamina test, but with low traffic and out in the open, so relatively safe. This route takes you up Route 95 towards Indian Springs. Bring water for the ride, and possibly an arranged ride back. Be warned, this equates to roughly 80 miles of biking. I would recommend this for training and endurance runs, and also for the beautiful terrain.

Information concerning these routes was taken from the following sites:


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