Five Great Ways to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes is a very unhealthy habit. Many of us know we should quit. We want to quit. We find it very difficult. It is very difficult to quit smoking. Here are five ways to help you quit smoking.

Way Number One…

One of the best ways to keep your mind off from wanting a cigarette is to keep yourself busy. Work. Clean. Go for a walk. Play a game with the kids. Do something, anything. Keeping yourself occupied will keep your mind busy. You will forget you want a cigarette if you are busy.

Way Number Two…

Out of sight, out of mind. Follow this rule when you are trying to quit smoking. Put away all of your ashtrays. Do not have cigarettes in your home. If you quit smoking yet leave the ashtray on your night stand you will wake up and see it, instantly remembering that you don’t smoke now but would really like a cigarette. With drawl is agonizing at times, especially first thing in the morning, and at bedtime. If you don’t see the reminders you won’t be reminded.

Way Number Three…

For the first week or so it will be very hard for a smoker who’s quitting to be around people who smoke. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid your smoking friends forever, just realize that when you are around them it may temp you to relapse and smoke a cigarette with them. Resisting the temptation to light up can be very difficult. Once you light up and the nicotine and chemicals get back into your body you will feel the with drawl symptoms much more strongly.

Way Number Four…

Chew a stick of gum or suck on a piece of hard candy. Smokers usually have certain times that they always smoke a cigarette, like after dinner. When a smoker quits they finish dinner yet still crave that cigarette. It is a habit. A ritual. It is at moments like these that with drawl hits the hardest. When you experience times like these it is very helpful to either chew a piece of gum or to suck on a piece of hard candy.

Way Number Five…

Think of all the money you are saving! If there’s anything that can help to keep you motivated it’s saving money. That always makes people happy πŸ™‚ A smoker who smokes two packs a day spends ten dollars a day on cigarettes. Ten dollars a day times seven days in a week is seventy dollars a week on cigarettes alone. One hundred and forty dollars every two weeks. Approximately two hundred and eighty dollars per month. That could be a car or a house payment. That could pay that electric bill that’s already late. That could be money saved towards your future.

Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows how hard it can be. Use these five tips. They really do help a considerable amount. To quit is a very wise decision to make. Good luck πŸ™‚

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