Five Ways for a Teacher to Make Extra Money

It’s no secret that teachers don’t get paid what they should. Although teachers have seen significant pay raises in recent years, their salaries are often just enough to live on. So what does a teacher do when looking for extra money to pay off bills or just to do fun things like vacations and trips? Here are a few ideas to put more money in your pocket.

Find a part time job. It’s never easy, but working a part time job is a great way to earn extra cash. Many teachers work a second job during the school year to make ends meat. It certainly not easy considering most teachers work 50 plus hours a week already. With demands of grading papers, preparing lesson plans and meeting with parents, it can be difficult to find time for another job. It can be done however. The key is to find a job that is flexible. It may not be your favorite choice, but working in fast food restaurants or waiting tables is often the ideal part time job. These places are often willing to work with your schedule. Don’t forget about less popular places like, libraries or a call center.

Work during summer vacation. One of the great benefits of being a teacher is having the summer off. Having June, July and August off is enough to make anyone want to become a teacher. Making the decision to work during this time however can be a great way to make money. You won’t have the stresses of the school year to worry about. The great thing about the summer is the days are much longer so you can have a job, and still find time to enjoy yourself.

Get involved in tutoring or after school programs. Most schools have some sort of tutoring or after school programs. This is an excellent way to make extra cash. These jobs usually pay well. You won’t have to worry about going out into the public and looking for a job. You can continue working in your profession doing things you enjoy.

Sell items online. Do you have tons of extra teaching materials you don’t need? Why not sell them. There are always new teachers coming along who could benefit from your materials. The great thing about the Internet is there are lots of ways to sell your materials. Furthermore you can showcase them to lots of people.

Use Associated Content. It’s one of the best tools on the Internet. There are lots of articles about education that can be written. You can write about student behavior, give ideas for lesson plans, or present lesson plans you’ve created yourself. There are tons of topics that teachers, both new and experienced, can write about and share with the world.

As we enter the new year many people are looking for ways to extra money. Being a teacher doesn’t have to prevent you from making extra money. Weather working the dreaded part time job, or working during during the summer, there are lots of ways for teachers to make extra money.

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