Four Possibly Perfect Jobs for Aries

Good Work Choices for Astrology’s Sign of the Ram

Enjoyable work is a key ingredient of a happy life. For Aries individuals, careers aligned with their initiating, enthusiastic personalities are often pleasurable and financially rewarding. Here are four possibly perfect jobs for Aries.

Creative Writing Jobs for Aries

One of the best part time jobs or full time careers for Aries, in my opinion, is creative writing. With their excitement over new ideas, and love of new beginnings, these people may find working as a writer stimulating as well as challenging. A freelance writing home business can provide opportunities for the change and variety Aries thrive on.

To keep the work interesting, writing should be on topics Aries personalities find engrossing. Focusing on articles or other short pieces will assure many project beginnings. Writing books is a possibility also, if the day-to-day work is broken down into interesting sections to start and complete.

Crafts Jobs for Aries

Home work or an online business selling crafts can be a great job for Aries people who enjoy creating attractive, whimsical, or unique items. By continuing to experiment with different techniques, styles, and objects, they can maintain the continual enthusiasm associated with new ideas.

Selling crafts through their own website or at an arts and crafts online mall will allow room for ongoing change and growth also. Or they can sell their wares at craft shows, ensuring variety and the stimulation of interacting with customers and other craftspersons.

Sales Jobs for Aries

Sales jobs of various kinds can be enjoyable and financially rewarding to Aries. Retail positions involving high turnover products attractive or interesting to these people work best. For example, personally an Aries, I have worked at different retail jobs in the past. One job selling children’s furniture was exhausting to me. Another, involving quick impulse sales of dollhouse furniture was invigorating. The difference resulted from how long each sale took and the corresponding number of new beginnings, transactions and interactions with customers.
Owning a small business selling any type of product or service of interest is another rewarding job for Aries. This can be a traditional brick and mortar shop or service establishment, or an online business. Choosing to sell something he or she is passionate about is helpful.

Resale businesses are often particularly good for Aries personalities. Selling antiques, old books, or used clothing, for example, involves time searching for merchandise. And that part of the job can be like a treasure hunt, exciting and unpredictable.

Temporary Jobs for Aries

A fourth possibly perfect job for Aries is temporary work. Part time or full time, as a brief moneymaker or long-term career choice, this type of work offers Aries some important advantages. Temporary jobs can be selected based on the desirability of the work itself. Length of employment is also variable, with options available from a day to a year or more. Jobs also vary from temporary employment agency assignments, seasonal or holiday work, or independent short project jobs. With careful selection, temporary work can provide Aries people with the change, variety, and interest they crave in their work.

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