My boys play sports all summer long, and they get dehydrated easily in the North Carolina heat. I try my best to keep my makeup hydrated and cool, but it’s not always easy. When my friend told me about Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad, I was intrigued by it to stay cool, even in doing outdoor sports exercising in the gym, working out in the yard, or participating in something active. action, the unique design of the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad will help keep your body temperature at a cool and comfortable level.
You can find the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad at Sporting Stores like Dick Sports. I was able to buy mine at a reasonable price of $14.99. A cold pad is about the size of a regular hand towel, but its material is actually thinner. All Chilly Pads are available in solid colours, with the Frogg Toggs trademark logo in the corner. The chilled towel comes in a clear hard plastic tube, which can be used later for cold storage.
As soon as you open the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad, you will know that it feels moist. Don’t worry, this is correct. Before you use it, wash with warm water. Allow to dry. When it dries, it becomes something odd. The towel is stiff as a board! You can literally pick up a towel and bang it on the table. But when you run the towel under water, it immediately relaxes and takes on the shape of a regular towel.
When you wet the cold Podu, it is ready to cool you. As long as it stays wet, it will keep you cool. In fact, the temperature of the cooling towel seems to stay cooler for longer on your body. Although your body temperature is hot, the cold stays cool and you quickly feel refreshed and refreshed.
When the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad is wet, it looks like a regular towel. The material is light and stays light even when wet. You can keep it wrapped around your neck, or around your shoulders, and no one will know you’re using a towel to cool off. To see what the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad looks like, visit the Frogg Toggs website ( You will find a photo of the various colors available, and a short video describing how the cooler works.
When you’re cold the pad gets dirty, just throw it in the washing machine. It washes like any other towel and comes out looking nice and clean. I was so impressed with the Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad that I went out and bought another one so the kids can both have one of their own. My kids are tough on their stuff, and the Cool Pads have been through the dirt, stuffed in a backpack, left on the porch, and still look brand new. The frozen pad is durable and easy to use and clean.
If you or someone you care about would like to stay active during the hot summer months, I would highly recommend getting Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad. Once you see how amazing they are, and how well they withstand the cold, you might even buy another one.
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