Fundamentals of Research Methodology

Fundamentals of Research Methodology

This paper will examine the fundamental concepts of research methodology in the field of psychology and discuss the science of psychology while providing an example that demonstrates the importance of psychology. This paper will explain and define the scientific method and the steps involved in the scientific method. The differences between quantitative data and qualitative data will be explored and the paper will describe the process of scientific theory construction and testing.

Psychology is the science of the mind and behavior and how internal and external variables affect the mind and behavior processes. Psychologists, individuals who study psychology, work on trying to gain knowledge by proposing theories and conducting psychological research. Psychology, psychologists, and researchers have aided professionals in better assisting individuals in several ways because the more knowledge society has on how the mind works, better tools and interventions can be developed. For example; the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI, was created by psychologist Starke R. Hathaway and psychiatrist/neurologist John C. McKinley in the 1930s. The MMPI consists of 566 true and false questions that test-takers must answer in order for the MMPI to be scored properly. This tool was originally designed to assist doctors and other medical professionals in diagnosing psychiatric illnesses with teenagers and people over the age of 14. (Cohen & Swerdlik, p.14, 2010) The MMPI is used as an assessment tool to assess the major symptoms associated with social and personal maladjustment, assess medial patients, helps develop treatment plans for medical patients, aides in college and career counseling, identify candidates that are suitable for high-risk public safety positions, provides insight in counseling, and is used to evaluate substance abuse patients and develop an appropriate treatment plan. (Pearson, 2010) This assessment would have never been developed and used successfully without the science of psychology.

An approach researchers use to gain more knowledge is titled the scientific method. The scientific method is a systematic approach to a research project and involves several steps. The steps in the scientific method include; developing a research question, generating a hypothesis using operation definitions, research a design, evaluate the ethics involved in the research, indentify potential risks and benefits, conduct research, collect and analyze data, form conclusions, and report the results. The scientific method is an empirical approach rather than an intuitive process and there are methods researchers must use while using the scientific method to ensure the research is valid. The hypothesis must be a testable hypothesis, observations need to be controlled and systematic, data must be collected using precise and accurate methods, valid and reliable measures must be applied, it is essential objective reporting takes place, and scientists need to use critical thinking skills and be skeptical when analyzing data. The scientific method is an involved method to ensure that research is done well while being ethical.

In research two types of data exist, quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data refers to data that involves numbers; behaviors or objects that can be counted, such as statistics, percentages, and formula-based analysis. Qualitative data refers to data that consists of verbal summaries, observations, or analysis. For example; one out of four girls will be raped in their lifetime (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2009), this statement is based on quantitative data. After a woman is raped often intimate relationships are difficult and trusting others can be challenging (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2009), this statement is based on qualitative data. Both quantitative data and qualitative data are essential to research and both types of data have equal importance.

Another important aspect of research is the process of scientific theory construction and testing. Scientific theory construction and testing is an intricate and important part of psychology research. The first step is to propose a theory, which is a set of interrelated ideas that explain a set of observations. A hypothesis, a predication to explain the theory, is developed and then experiments are designed to test the hypotheses and theory. The best way to prove a theory or hypothesis is to disprove the theory or hypothesis.

In any science a theory is the start of a research project; it guides research by providing testable hypotheses. A researcher will look at data and propose a question; when developing theory researchers must take into consideration variables; intervening variables are important when developing a theory because those constructs permit researchers to explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Researchers evaluate proposed theories by using internal consistency and observations to determine whether the hypothesis is true or false. If the theory proves to be false then researchers can look back and try to determine where, when, and why something went wrong or rephrase the hypothesis and start the process over. Researchers must ensure the research and results are valid so constructing internal tests enable researches to ensure their results are accurate. Research involves trial and error, which is why scientific theory construction and testing is so important, developing a universal method to approach research projects is helpful because it helps scientists approach a project with a basic outline and a set of goals.

Science and research enables our civilization and society to advance in everything from the development of medications to treat aliments to providing environmental forms of transportation. In order for research to be valid, successful, helpful, and safe researchers and scientists must remember ethics are an important part of research and psychology. Ethics help guide researchers around ethical dilemmas that may arise when conducting research. For example; is it ethical to avoid telling the participant of a particular study what the researcher is searching for or testing for? Having ethics in research can help guide researchers when deciding answers to those types of questions. (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009) Scientists and researchers use the same method of approaching a theory as discussed in this paper and researchers use several methods to prove their theories but unless someone is willing to ask the question and propose a hypothesis, society would not advance. Psychology is a science that will continue to evolve as long as people remain curious and have the desire to know how the mind works.

Cohen, R. J., & . Swerdlik, M. E. (2010). Psychological Testing and
Assessment. An Introduction to Tests and Measurement.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (2009). Sexual Violence. Retrieved
Pearson (2010). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2).
Retrieved from
Shaughnessy, J., Zechmeister, E. B., & Zechmeister, J. S. (2009). Research
Methods in Psychology, Eighth Edition.

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