Funny but True Mother’s Day Quotes

Mother’s Day is the day we honor the women who raised us. Usually filled with heavy and deep poetic greetings, Mother’s Day has become a celebration of kisses and hugs. But we all know that motherhood is full of fun and should be celebrated. I’ve collected some funny but true quotes that would make the best Mother’s Day card this year, with smiles and giggles. So before you buy this expensive mother’s day card before the serious sound, think about making one at home, using one or rather cheerful cheerful

Suburban mother’s role is to stop the children once and deliver them by car forever afterwards. ~Petrus De Vries – Peter did not know how true this statement was. I don’t know a suburban mom who doesn’t feel like taxi driver most days. Swim class, baseball games, soccer leagues, karate classes, hockey trips and the list goes on and on. Thanking your mother thank you on Mother’s Day is where you should go. You could ride a bike through the winter. But not because she is your mother.

“All mothers go a little crazy.” ~ J.D. Salinger / Hereditary insanity; you inherit it from your children. ~Sam Levenson – I had to combine these two words because they are both true. Before the fruit of the loins, the mother is healthy, normal, woman. You made way for him. So the next time he calls you to talk about nothing, or to be a horse about everything, you should thank him for his sanity to give you the gift of life. Why not do it on mother’s day?

Scream in the car even or especially if it bothers your children. ~Marilyn Penland – These wise words from Marilyn should be engraved in gold because a mother’s main source of entertainment with her child comes of age. He takes the trunk out of the middle of the school, and his son rides with friends to the movies. Follow this advice and the teenage mother and her 3 friends will never drive in the middle of winter again. Using this quote on a mother Mother card will bring a smile to your face.

A mother of three notoriously disobedient youths was asked whether or not she would have children if she did it again. He answered: “Yes. “But not the same.” ~ David Finkelstein – This authority speaks for itself. It’s perfect for mother’s day.

All mothers are working mothers. ~Author Unknown – I would like to know who said this, because we definitely need to feed, clothe and love our children. If you’re going to argue with a 10-year-old boy every day, you’ll know you need to. If you’ve ever had to try to clean candied sweet potatoes a baby out of a toddler’s neck, you need to know. The mother is an administrator, a counselor, a chauffeur, a salesperson and a chef. Show your mother how much you understand all the work that has raised you from the heart on Mother’s Day, and the sense of humor that you certainly received from her.

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