Funny Golf Stories

This is a little different article. I want it to be interactive to all of those who read it. I am wondering what are the most embarrassing moments you have had to go through on the golf course. I will write one of mine, along with a couple of others I have witnessed in all my years of playing the game. I’d like the good people who read this article to comment on their own horror stories on the golf course. It could be yours, friends, or just some poor guy you watched in the group ahead of you.

I played golf in high school, so of course there were some players who were not as good as others, a lot of beginners and people who were just playing to have something to do. We were at an away match where we had to shotgun off the course because they were working on a few holes on the front nine. My group teed off on a hole were we had to go under a road to get to it. Everyone had teed off but one. This kid you can tell has never hit a golf ball before this season, tees it up, hits the ball and puts it on the road. What’s the big deal about that you ask? I’ll tell you. The road was behind us! Yes, that’s right, the poor kid cold tops his drive, hits the tee marker in front of him and the ball bounces up in the air, over our heads and onto the road behind us. Thankfully there were no cars coming!

The next was again a high school match; this one was a tournament however with boat load of people on the tee watching. Again, everyone gets off the tee well, then the last guy in our group, who again, looks like he has not had much time playing the game steps up and hits it, you guessed it. On the road out of bounds. Well, we all go up to our ball, not thinking that he did not hit another ball off the tee. We got to talking and decided he may think it was inbounds. We yell over to him that he needs to hit a provisional if he thought it would be in bounds, but he yelled back “no it’s ok, I got it” and proceeds to hit the ball off the road in the middle of traffic! He puts it back over onto the course, played decent from there but got DQ’d at the end of the day because he played the ball out of bounds and refused to count any penalty strokes!

Now, the fun one. My own story. It’s nothing too bad compared to the above stories but it was bad enough for me! We were playing a scramble in January called the Artic Open; it was of course cold, wet and rainy. The day is going well; we are about 6 under through 10 holes when we get up to the 11th tee. I get up to hit, and gone. Not the ball, my club! I was wearing these horrible winter gloves and they made it so slick when it got wet that I lost the club on the follow through and it wound up in some guys back yard next to the tee box! Of course, there was another group to witness this as though it were not bad enough that my friends watched and began to make fun of me!

Well, that’s it, I’d love to here yours in the comment section. Thought this may be a little more engaging than simply ready an article!

Have Fun!

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