Gain Weight Fast – Are You Too Skinny?

Once you have finished reading this article, you will have established exactly how you are going to gain your weight…

If you are too skinny and need to gain weight fast you need to decide exactly what it is you want?

You may well be confused…

Well, if you’re thinking you are going to gain weight and become lean and slender? Think again…

You can’t do both at the same time- it is a contradiction in terms, basically; to bulk up you need to gain weight.

To become lean, you need to lose weight!

I will explain; to bulk-up you need to eat more calories and most definitely weight-train.

To get lean you need to eat fewer calories, still weight- train however; but increase your cardio exercises. These are two very different goals.

So to improve your progress for the long-term, you will need to focus on just one goal at this point.

Follow the examples of all the competitive bodybuilders; they have stages where they will slender down and other phases where they will concentrate on just simply bulking up!

So you have decided you want to gain weight and fast!

Firstly, and I know this will sound obvious. You have to eat food!

Yep, you have to eat food- but the right foods; this is a very vital aspect to gaining weight fast.

This is what I will focus on as this can be a very misinterpreted factor!
I am not talking about cramming fatty fries, hamburgers and junk food down your neck just because they are high in calories!

I am talking about eating essential fatty acids that are found naturally in fruits, nuts and seeds.etc. Not only will these kinds of foods promote your weight gain, they are immensely beneficial to your health.

Eating wrong fats will just promote health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, and you will NOT gain the weight you desire!

To gain weight fast, simply means to consume more food than what your body actually requires, therefore eat calories over your daily recommended intake!
I.e. recommended daily requirement for men is 2500, so eat over this amount!

A good way of doing this and keeping a healthy balance at the same time; is to eat 5 meals a day rather that the regular 3. 3 main meals and 2 light ones.

Eating only the amount you require (2500) a day will only keep your weight steady and your weight will remain the same!

So here I have listed the correct weight gain foods and the portions you should be consuming to gain weight fast!

1. Milk (4 Glasses)

Milk is full of protein- and protein is essential to gain muscle. Drink a glass in the morning to kick- start you and then drink one glass with your 3 main meals.


When choosing your breads ensure they are dense and packed with whole wheat rather then white breads; as these can be very light.
You need oat bran and whole wheat and eat with generous portions of jam and peanut butter.

3. Fruits & Vegetables (daily requirement is sufficient) 5

Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and fibers, and will help in digesting your weight gain foods; thus preparing your body for weight gain. Not only this, these natural foods are again greatly beneficial to your health!

4. Cereals

Again, choose cereals that are dense such as shredded wheat and muesli.
Anything with bran and oats, and remember to use milk instead of water when making hot cereals. Also, compliment your cereals with some essential fats like nuts, sprinkle in with your cereal. Avoid flaky cereals, these will not help one bit!

5. Beverages

You possibly didn’t think about beverages aiding you to gain weight; try more filling drinks such as shakes, fruit drinks instead of water, tea or coffee.
Don’t go for sodas and as I explained before; milk. Milk is a natural product that’s full of protein and essential fats.

All these foods are essential for gaining muscle; the body needs the correct nutrients to break down into amino acids; amino acids promote weight and muscle gain.

So; high quality protein-based foods should be the focus of all your meals.

A combination of protein-based foods and weight training will increase the demand for more amino acids thus supporting mass muscle and growth!

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