Gender Roles and Degrading Women in America

Sociology is the study of cultures and seeks to understand how people behave in a social sense rather than at an individual level. No culture is perfect and each has its good and bad spots in its social structures and strengths. In American culture honors and takes pride in the ideas of democracy and justice for all, but not always. everyone Although racism has been substantially curbed over the centuries and the class structure is now nothing like the European Middle Ages, there are still great improvements to be made. Currently, one of today’s most pressing problems is the modern race, which was perhaps most famously epitomized in the post-war years of the 1950s. Although women are no longer seen as only capable homemakers, modern gender is still a problem because it has a very rigid and specific gender. roles must conform to one, and also very distorted to the majority of the population – women.

There have been many changes in women’s rights in the last century. After years and years of fighting, endless prison sentences and prison sentences, women were finally given the right to vote on a national level. After 1800, women demonstrated exactly how inferior they were outside the home in the public sphere, giving new male slaves the right to vote, while women’s efforts at political power were stifled and suppressed. For all rural history to find the rights that were granted by the men themselves required great effort. to win the battle. It is a foregone conclusion that the women’s role has been so reduced that it is not allowed to do what we are spending now. basic things like getting an education, holding jobs that don’t involve children, or even owning one. Although women can now earn college degrees, do business, own businesses, vote, or even run for political office, there are still countless generic inequalities”.

Children are subjected to gender roles pretty much from the time they are born. Baby showers include a sea of ​​blue pastels for boys and soft, pink and delicate girls. Female children are given dolls and doll houses and other cute toys and are expected to “play house” to feed and care for their dolls and ” clothing,” while male children are typically given items such as G.I. Joes, sports equipment, and toy cars. In our beloved fairies the women (if not bad) are increasingly beautiful, youthful, probably of royal blood, and often in need of help it is, in general, that it is either oppressed by man or needs to be saved. No other woman has ever kept a beautiful queen. Although there are female heroines in fairy tales, they make up an almost invisible minority of stories. Various social messages are sent through these simple colors of clothing, toys and stories: for girls to be gentle, beautiful and nurturing, while boys learn to be tough and athletic. Because of this constant support of this modern genre, by the age of five children have a fairly comprehensive understanding of the modern genre and the roles they are expected to conform to.

The mass media often targets women and in turn undermines them. The women of Hollywood, catwalks, magazines, screens and billboards are more often than not thin, tender, beautiful, with a perfectly sculpted curvaceous frame. For they are objected not only to bodies, but to parts of bodies. Often hands over the mouth, passive positions, or postures such as sexual intercourse, silence. they are photographed in studios, makeup and hours hair styling by an army of cosmetics and decorators, while lighting artists and cameras The crew set up their equipment. They are endlessly touched up during the shooting session, and after the shoot is done, they are digitally touched up again and again. Pores and imperfections disappear, and all that remains is a perfection that cannot be attained. As Supermodel Cindy Crawford once said, “You don’t even wake up to the look of Cindy Crawford I love.” However, women endlessly strive to achieve the impossible ideal of beauty that is personified on silver screens and glossy pages. Teenage girls appreciate their curves around the time they turn 13, partly because of these images of impossibly perfect beauty. with surrounding Those feelings of inadequacy almost always lead to depression and a terrible rate of girls a sometimes in their eating disorders. he lives That number is getting even higher as the age of onset slips lower and lower. Although criticizing something harsh is only in the media, they certainly play a role. And although the aesthetic aspect of the medium consists of fitness, muscle, and athletic ability, it seems women are obligated to commit to health . /a> and the nature of beauty forms with layers of grids, hair gel, tanning, surgical procedures, endless diets, designer clothes and a plethora of other things. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to avoid the media, as it is everywhere: from TV even if they watch the news, to the airwaves, in in the checkout line, or the billboards on the way to work.” It’s almost as if there is an inexorable force of omniscience. Unfortunately, the omniscient force tends to send messages to women about how they are never good enough.

Although there are more women in higher education than men, and more women are pursuing careers than ever before, the workplace is still largely male. There is an inverse relationship between the number of women in the workforce and the amount of that salary. That is, as the proportion of women in the field increases, the average paycheck decreases. A few decades ago, men were secretaries, but now they are predominantly women, and their salaries have declined rapidly. Men in a predominantly female field tend to be promoted more quickly, while the opposite is true for women in male-dominated fields. These things send women another message of inadequacy, since it implies that her work is not as good as that of a man, simply because she was born from the “wrong race”. Women who have full time do most of the housework, also known as the “second shift” as typical modern culture chores of cooking, cleaning, laundry and childhood. If the couple decides to raise a family, it is almost always a woman who sacrifices some or even all of her life . child care It is almost expected that a woman will sacrifice the ends of her life, at least temporarily, to raise a child if she is to start a family, while men generally lead their lives according to custom.

These inequalities are very difficult to “fix” as we have been taught since we were born, and are constant reminders of the social expectations of the modern race everywhere. From a sociological point of view, though, there are ways to make these inequalities more just, and perhaps eventually to become in perfect equilibrium. Children are not only forced into gender roles. Parents buy them both male and female to organize toys, read them stories with an equal number of heroes and heroines, and try to reinforce as much as possible that the child should not be conformed to the modern race, but to be something they want. . If all parents started doing this with their children, the offspring would be substantially more gender balanced. Regarding social media and the device, it’s even trickier, but two things can happen. The mass media could stop or reduce the amount of objection to women, or the general public could ignore it and stop responding. Either way, the industry will change, and hopefully women will become less ugly. When ignoring or not responding to the media, there needs to be a development of confidence and self-acceptance with actions as a shield against messages of negative value. In the workplace, women need to be pushed for equal pay, and to be paid the same as others in their position regardless of gender. Also, the glass ceiling is in need of a good shake. Spouses should also take care of bringing up the child; Each sacrificed an equal number of days from his family. The duties of the host should also be divided equally between the two partners. If only society would adhere to these changes, much of the future could be the same.

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