Gerstmann’s Syndrome: A Neurological Disorder – Perietal Lobe Damage

Gerstmann’s Syndrome (Gerstmann Tetrad) in adults or developmental Gerstmann’s Syndrome in children is rare neurological disorder, discovered first in 1924 by neurologist Gerstmann. 1 Onset of Gerstmann’s syndrome in adults may occur after a stroke or damage to a part of the brain called the left (3) parietal lobe. 2 Symptoms related to Gerstmann’s syndrome include agnosia (Inability to recognize one’s own fingers or someone else’s) and disabilities as result of damage to parts of the parietal lobe. 2

The parietal lobe (one of five anatomical locations in the brain 4) occupies a quarter of the brain, critically important perception of physical touch and memory. 5 The Parietal lobe part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain, positioned below the crown of the head. 7 “The exact critical spot lies just a few centimeters above and behind the right ear.” 8 This portion of the brain over- all differentiate varies types of sensations including heat, pain, cold, touch and pressure. The parietal lobe is divided into two subdivisions: Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex (PSSC) and the Somatic Sensory Association Cortex (SSAC) both work injunction together. The PSSC responsible for processing any sensation felt and SSAC responsible for storing sensation into memory. Therefore, when one touches a scathing hot stove, one knows not to do it again due to the pain association of the SSAC.” Damage to the left parietal lobe as result of various conditions (Stroke, traumatic injury or problem occurs some time during early brain development 14) cause Gerstmann’s syndrome. 5 Symptoms synopsis left parietal lobe damage include neglecting their right side (Example: Person will eat their food only on their right side or a woman will place make-up only on the right side 6), difficulty to write, and acalculia (Impaired ability to add, subtract, multiple or simple mathematical skills). Also the damage to the lobe may cause impairment to speak, and distinguish objects normally. 3 Damage to the right side of the parietal lobe cause dyscalculia (Inability to process arithmetic problems or numbers 9) and difficulty finding his or her way around familiar places. 10 Also, characteristic less attentive to sensory information to the left side of objects or left visual field. 11

Development Gertsmann’s syndrome in children is more rarely diagnosed than for adults, and may affect children with high level of intellectual capabilities and brain damage children. However, the cause of Development Gertsmann’s syndrome is not clearly known. The symptoms characteristic in children appear during initial school age years: Poor handwriting and spelling, difficulty answer math problems (adding, subtracting and dividing), constructional apraxia (Unable to build a structure with blocks or copy simple drawings.) and impairments listed that affect the parietal lobe.

Currently no cure for Gerstmann’s syndrome, only available symptomatic treatment options, including occupational and speech therapies frequently available in many schools. 2 The goal to help children better express themselves verbally so others around them can understand them. As well, the techniques learned will help these children in a better way to ask questions regarding learning material they don’t understand and improve their penmanship by learning techniques to take control over their body. 13 “In addition, calculators and word processors may help school children cope with the symptoms of the disorder. 2 Early diagnosis and intensive treatment for children, help them overcome their deficits rather than experience discouragement, provides a better outcome. “In adults, many of the symptoms diminish with time.” 1

Available for sale: ‘The Official Parent’s Sourcebook on Gerstmann’s Syndrome’ by Icon Health Publications – Paperback (September 2002). “A comprehensive manual for anyone interested in self-directed research on Gerstmann Fully referenced with ample Internet listings and glossary.” 16

Gertsmann’s Syndrome diagnosis usually confirmed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan detecting a lesion found on the region of the parietal lobe called the angular gyrus (“It is involved in a number of processes related to language and cognition.” 12) 1 Also, psychoeducational testing and neurological exam confirms the diagnosis. 14 The disorder has not been proven to have a hereditary link. 17

In May 2008, Senator Edward Kennedy diagnosed having a malignant tumor on his left parietal lobe. Damage to this section of the brain could cause Gerstmann;s syndrome. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke symptoms of this disorder will develop. 15


1,) Gerstmann’s Syndrome –

2.) NINDS Gerstmanns Syndrome –

3.) Parietal Lobes –

4.) Lobes of the brain –

5.) The Parietal Lobe –

6.) What is the high left parietal lobe in charge of in the brain? –

7.) parietal lobe –

8.) Right Parietal Cortex Plays a Critical Role in Change Blindness –

9.) How to be really bad at maths, in a flash –


11.) Lesions of the Temporal Association Cortex: Deficits of Recognition –

12.) angular gyrus –


14.) Gerstmann Syndrome –

15.) Ted Kennedy Diagnosed Malignant Brain Tumor –≻=rss

16.) Gerstmann’s Syndrome –

17.) Gerstmann Syndrome –

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