Getting an MRI Can Be Scary – What You Need to Know

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI machine uses magnetic waves not x-rays. Sounds scary. If you have never experienced an MRI machine before it definitely will be a frightening feeling at first. You probably have no idea to what to expect. I know I didn’t. When my neurologist first told me I would have to have a Brain MRI and Cervical Spine MRI I was so nervous. Frightened of the unknown. My husband tried to calm my nerves but I was extremely scared. I wish I had dome some research of my own to fully understand what to expect when I went for these tests. So I am writing this article to inform the audience of what they should expect when getting an MRI. I found out it wasn’t so bad after all.

1. The first thing you should do when scheduling your MRI appointment is call your medical insurance company. You are probably going to need prior approval and an authorization code in order to have the MRI done. You don’t want to show up on the day of your appointment I find out you can’t have it done because you don’t have the authorization from your medical insurance carrier. This is good advice to follow when needing any type of testing done not just an MRI.

2. Once you make your appointment you should ask the receptionist if you need to fast the night before. Sometimes depending on the test you need you will have to have an empty stomach. Again you don’t want to show up the day of your appointment and find out you can’t have it done because you ate that morning and weren’t supposed to. Don’t wait for the receptionist to tell you they might not know, ask when you make the appointment.

3. Have someone come with you. They tell you it’s OK if you drive home but why take the chance.

4. Don’t wear anything that has metal clips, buttons, hair clips, etc…

5. Inform the receptionist when making the appointment if you have ever worked in a machine shop or might have had metal chips in your eyes.

6. Bring a tape of a CD. Some places do offer the opportunity to listen to music through headphones. I listened to my favorite CD the first time I went. It definitely helped make the time go faster.

7. If the doctor tells you that you will need an MRI with dye injection than you will need to schedule your MRI appointment at a time there is a doctor present. The lab techs can not administer the dye injection.

8. Be prepared to wait a long time before you called in for your MRI. Sometimes they experience a backup depending how the patient prior did.

9. The technician will not be allowed to tell you your results. Trust me I have tried. They are very tight lipped about what they see.

10. If you are having an MRI of your Cervical Spine than you will not be allowed to swallow while the pictures are being taken. Do you know how hard that is. Especially once they tell you that you can’t do it. Mind over matter, all of a sudden you find yourself wanting to swallow.

11. Try not to move around too much. If they don’t get a clear picture of what they are looking for you will have to sit longer until they get it.

12. Try to stay relaxed. Think of the most calming picture or situation in your mind.

13. Do not open your eyes in the machine. Not for safety reasons more for anxiety reasons. You don’t want to start panicking when you realize how close the machine is to your face.

14. Be prepared to hear a lot of banging noises. These noises are from when the actual pictures are being taken. If you need to move wait until the banging stops and do it quickly.

15. Your results will be mailed to you within a few days or weeks. It depends on the office you go to. Mine usually take a few weeks.

16. Already have a follow-up appointment scheduled with your doctor. You don’t want to wait too long and then he/she is all booked up.

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