Girls Night Out Activities for Winter

The bitter cold of a long and drawn out Winter can make it very tempting to simply stay inside and hibernate. While this may be an attractive option for most of the season, eventually you need to venture out and enjoy some socialization, lest the Winter blues start to set in. Here are some ideas for a Girls Night Out that you can enjoy with your best girlfriends this year.

Get Some Exercise with Ice Skating.

A quick way to shake off those blues is to engage in some healthy exercise with a group of friends. Use your local telephone book to locate the nearest ice skating rink and gather the girls for a night of good clean fun. Be sure to dress warmly and perform a few simple stretches before hitting the ice. Enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate together while resting. Don’t forget the digital camera to capture all the fun moments on and off the ice.

Tap into Your Inner Childhood by Sledding.

How many years has it been since you enjoyed the simple fun of sledding or tubing down a snow packed hill? Many resort areas offer safe hills to take a sled or tube ride down for a flat price. If you are lucky enough to live near one such resort, get all the girls together to enjoy an evening of seasonal fun. Not only is this activity a real blast, the sight of the snow covered hills all lit up at night are truly beautiful. End the night with an Irish coffee at the resort bar.

Donate Time to a Local Charity Together.

Winter is definitely a time of year when charities are in need of supportive volunteers. Choose a local food pantry, animal shelter or woman’s shelter that is need of volunteer hours from kind and compassionate citizens. You and your group of girlfriends will undoubtedly be touched by your experience and walk away with a new found feeling of connection to the community. After putting in your volunteer hours, end the night out with coffee and pastries at a local diner to discuss the experience. This way of spending your Girls Night Out will surely deepen your relationship with your friends as well.

Go Holiday Shopping or Make Necessary Returns.

A trip to the mall or the outlet stores can be much more fun when doing it with friends. If your night out is before the holidays, get a bit of your shopping done at the beginning of your evening. If the holidays have come and gone, gather all the items that need to be returned or exchanged and meet at the store to get this chore out of the way. Once your are all finished, head to a theater or restaurant nearby to enjoy a nice meal or catch a movie. You will feel much more relaxed after your Girls Night Out knowing that you can check off one of the items on your never ending To Do list.

Schedule Your Mammograms Together….and Then go Celebrate.

If a few of the ladies in your circle have been putting off the annual mammogram, slip it into your Girls Night Out. See if you can get back to back appointments so that you can keep each other company in the waiting room. Once everyone is finished, go the local watering hole for a few cocktails. The love and support you can offer each other before getting this necessary medical test can ensure that the procedure is far less frightening. Make a pact to plan a combination mammogram and Girls Night Out for every year. This will not only create some lasting memories, it can also keep all the gals on track regarding this very important preventative health procedure.

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