Girls’ Night Out in Tucson Arizona

Life in Tucson, Arizona is pretty quiet, laid back, with most people living a solitary life, busying themselves with “doing things”. Having to work every day, having to walk quite a distance to get to work and being so tired at the end of the day, that all they want to do is relax at home before going to bed and starting another day. Having the desire, energy and patience to want to go out at night is rare, especially on a weekday. On weekends, most people like to spend time with their family or catching up on household chores, weekly food shopping, or simply “chilling.” ” Most homes here in Tucson are so spread out that people don’t even know their neighbors. When most people think of “Girls Night Out” they think of a wild night going to the club, having a few girls in my group, including me. We usually schedule our “Girls Night Out” during our birthday month, but recently we’ve also been getting together for a “Girls Night Out” because… until our birthday party “birthday girl” I choose which restaurant to attend I have a coupon. Marie Callender’s offers great burgers and since they have a salad bar, their prices are quite reasonable and they have such yummy pies. . Our meeting was twice late.
Our conversations are awesome. No story about those who are not with us (okay, maybe a little – ha – but with good nature), only fun, advice, listening to the experiences of others and learning from them. We usually laugh a lot, it’s terrible. As they say, laughter is the best medicine. it takes the extreme part of the trials and tribulations of our daily lives. I ordered a salad bar recently at Maria Callender and it seems to be working with all our conversations. I didn’t go back to the food a lot. It’s great. The last time we were there, we laughed wondering if we had been given the same table twice before. Maybe it was going to be “our table.” Ha! Our dinner together usually lasts about 2 hours and then we talk and laugh for about another 15 minutes as we stand outside the restaurant. My daughter and I always leave saying, “That was so much fun” and we can’t wait to do it again.
So no wild nights in bars or clubs drinking too much and partying too much for me and my “girls” when it gets serious. Simply put, the “world” was making fun of the quiet restaurant adding to a great “Girls Night Out.”

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