Go Green Craft for Kids: Go Green Goal Board

It seems that every day goes green. Everyone wants to do their part to help with global warming, save our natural resources and become a more responsible member of planet earth. I also want the kids to get in on the act, so I thought I’d try to come up with a few techniques that can help kids Go Green. This Go Green Craft is a bulletin board that kids can use to post ideas on how their family can go Green, just how their family is already going Green, and even just how to help educate their friends about Going Green.

To Make This Green Craft Bulletin Board Kids You Will Need:

One cork board

Recycled Card Stock

Recycle White Paper



Push the needle

Click here for more ideas from Rebecca.

You can use any size corkboard as the base for this Go Green Craft for kids. I think a board at least 3 feet wide and two feet high would work well.

Now kids can make their home green. Try using websites like HGTV.com, Oprah.com, and evening search terms to go green on a search engine to come up with ideas. You will probably come across ideas like changing the light bulbs, lowering the thermostat, using the car less and even planting flowers in your area that attract bugs. Have the kids choose 5 goals they know their family can meet, and then a few more that they really need to make some changes!

Now write each of these Go Green goals on a piece of white recycled paper cut into a small rectangle, perhaps the size of an index card.

Cut some brightly colored recycled card stock to go behind it.

These goals are lined up from the left side of the board up and down.

Now at the top of the head you can make three columns, one of self, one of family, and the last friendship.

Now, kids can cut out a fun Go Green inspired pattern from card stock. Shapes such as stars, flowers, bugs, and even clouds will work. They can use medical shears or scissors to cut it out. These shapes should be about 4X6 inches large.

Put one figure in each category. He needs a great need.

Now, every week kids can update their progress on Go Green, their family’s progress on going green, and even try to help any friends Go Green.

Go Green Craft wall hanging in you child’s room. It works well near the table. It’s time for a family meeting! Everyone has their own set of questions this week for the green issue. These would be the goals listed on the board.

Every time you meet your goal, add a gold star to the cut-out next to your family and try to meet the goal. Use the pen as a modern star.

Try rewards like family green day Go reward to encourage kids to keep thermostats lower, to walk more, to recycle leaves, not to waste unnecessarily school supplies, and you can always turn this into a neighborhood Go Green Craft event!

Click here for more ideas from Rebecca.


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