Greek Yogurt for Beautifying Purposes

I love eating Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries and crunchy raspberry flavored granola because of the health benefits I receive from it that help keep me beautiful and youthful from the inside out. However, I not only eat Greek yogurt to help keep me beautiful naturally from the inside out, but I also use it in my daily beauty routine as a soothing nourishing facial mask, in my hair to repair hair damage and on my entire body as a pampering body treatment to soften and exfoliate skin naturally.

Why is Greek yogurt good for beautifying purposes?

Greek yogurt is amazing for beautifying purposes because the protein Greek yogurt contains has the ability to repair skin cells, which in the long run can prevent aging skin, hair and nails from occurring. In addition, Greek yogurt contains healthy bacteria that can keep our digestive system functioning properly so they can absorb the nutrients they need in order to keep the skin, hair and nails as well as immune system healthy and strong. When Greek yogurt is used in homemade skincare remedies it can actually help cleanse, nourish and repair skin because yogurt contains lactic acid and enzymes, which are essential for beautiful skin. When it is used in hair it helps condition, repair split ends and even promotes hair growth. These reasons are why I love eating and using Greek yogurt to help me look and feel beautiful naturally.

My Greek Yogurt Hair Mask

When I do at home spa days, my favorite Greek yogurt hair mask to make contains a cup of Greek yogurt, a tablespoon of organic honey and a tablespoon of coconut oil. The reason I add honey and coconut oil to the mask is that they also help nourish the hair and repair hair damage with natural moisturizers and nutrients. When it comes to making the hair mask it is super easy to do because all you do is carefully measure out the ingredients, place them in a glass bowl and combined them together to form a rich creamy hair mask. After, rinse your hair down with warm water, towel dry it until it is damp and lather the yogurt hair mask into you hair using a comb to comb it through if you have to so you can make sure every strand of hair is coated. Then, leave the mask in your hair for thirty minutes to an hour before washing your hair with a good organic shampoo and conditioner. Once you hair is nourishes with the mask and well cleansed you will notice how soft, silky, smooth and frizz free your hair is with a bit of volume and life again. You can use this hair mask as often as needed until your hair is repaired. I typically use the mask once a week to help keep my hair looking and feeling nice.

My Greek Yogurt Face and Body Mask

My absolute favorite mask to make and use on my at home spa day is my Greek yogurt face and body mask. I love this mask because it nourishes my whole body from head to toe while exfoliating the dead skin cells from my body gently, safely and easily so the new healthy skin underneath can be glowing and soft. The way I make my Greek yogurt face and body mask is simple. I use four basic organic ingredients, which are a quart of Greek yogurt, a cup of organic cocoa powder, a half cup of honey and a cup of aloe gel. I use the cocoa powder, honey and aloe in the face and body mask because they contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and anti-aging properties that can help keep the body and skin looking youthful and bright from head to toe naturally. Once I have all the ingredients carefully measured out in a large glass-mixing bowl, I combined them together well using a spoon until I get a light brown face and body mask.

Now, once you have the face and body mask it is best to get in the shower and cleanse the body well with warm water and an organic body wash. After, turn off the shower, pat the skin dry, but stay in the shower to apply the face and body mask. If you have long hair or shoulder length hair, you will want to put your hair up and out of the way. After, take handfuls of the mask and apply it to the face and the body in nice thick even layers while massaging and rubbing it into the skin well. Then, allow the mask to soak into the skin for ten minutes before rinsing off with warm water in the shower. Once your done using the face and body mask your skin will be well exfoliated and a lot brighter, but also a lot softer with blemishes beginning to heal if you had any and blackheads lifted up and away from the skin, so future blemishes do not occur. You may use the Greek yogurt face and body mask weekly to help keep skin from head to toe beautiful naturally.

Bottom Line for the Beautifying Purposes of Greek Yogurt

Remember, eating Greek yogurt is just as important as using it on the body to help beautify yourself naturally. After all, true natural beauty is truly on the inside shining out.


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