Guinea Pig Care and Grooming

Guinea Pig grooming is a task that should be done at least once a month. A clean and healthy Guinea Pig is a happy Guinea Pig. Since Guinea Pigs cannot bet themselves, you as the owner are responsible for their bet. If not groomed, or groomed properly, your Guinea Pig may experience health issues. It doesn’t matter what it is.

Grooming your Guinea Pig is pretty simple, it only takes a little time, and a lot of love and care while completing it. You want your Guinea Pig to feel as comfortable and safe as possible so that they can complete these tasks more easily. If your guinea pig ever feels scared, the best thing to do is to talk to them, stop what you’re doing until they calm down, pet them, and let them know. After a few times, they get used to what you do, what you do, what you do.

  • 1) Bating: When you bathe your Guinea Pig, use a “guinea pig safe or proven” shampoo. You can usually find these at pet stores. You will want to fill the basin with semi-warm water, but not so hot that it will hurt your furry friend. The water level should be water low enough where your Guinea Pig can reach the base of the submerged feet. . Have the guinea pig wet with water, then wash the leather shampoo into its fur. Make sure your guinea pig doesn’t show signs of stress or distress. This can be determined if your guinea pig tries to get away. After you wash your Guinea Pig then take a towel and dry them thoroughly so they don’t get cold. Warning: washing your guinea pig with a brush will help drying and make the hair lighter.
  • 2) Nail, shear: With any animal, they have lives; which is the blood vein in the nail. You will need a “Small Animal Clipper” to trim the nails of the Guinea Pig. For the light of the nail color, you can see the quick so that you can cut the second quick. With black nails, you can’t see them alive, so just cut off the tips. Hint: you have a styptic powder; which quickly stops the blood, is handy in case it cuts you alive by chance. A second person can help when trimming your Guinea Pig’s nails in the early stages so that the Guinea Pig feels safe.
  • 3) Teeth: Since the Guinea Pig’s teeth are constantly growing, you want to curb them and make sure they don’t overgrow. chew sticks and toys will help teeth to chew.
  • 4) Care of the ear: Guinea Pig will need the external part of the ear with a cotton swab. Make sure there is no build-up of ear wax. Too much earwax buildup in your guinea pig’s ears can be a sign of an infection.

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