Healing with Crystals: Cinnabar

Cinnabar is the common name for the native red sulphide of mercury or vermillion (from the common mineral mercurial.) The name cinnabar is derived from the East Indian word for dragon’s blood. It is also said to come from the Greek “kinnabari“. Kinnabari was a term from the philosopher Theophrastus, from Aristotle. it was also called cinnabarites.

It has a wide range of localities and it is usually found in these places that produce mercury. Some of the more notable areas of cinnabar include Spain (Almaden), Tuscany (Apuan Alps), Slovenia (Idrija), and Peru (Huancavelica). In the United States, it can be found in Texas, Oregon, Arkansas, New Almaden (California), Hastings Mine and Saint John Mine (Vallejo, California).

Cinnabar was initially mined for its mercury content and pigment by the Roman Empire. Its color ranges from light (red), to brownish-red, gray, crimson and crimson crimson. It is important to note that due to the high toxicity of mercury, both the mining of cinnabar and the refining of mercury are hazardous. The Romans took the condemned in the tunnels as if for execution. Although cinnabar is known to be highly toxic, it is used, like arsenic, in its form mixed with water in conventional Chinese medicine, where it is called “zhusha”. They order this, they use poison to cure poison. It is not used in Western medicine.

It was also often used in royal cave tombs by Mayan civilization. Red stone is placed in limestone graves and is known for its toxicity and deters thieves.

Cinnabar crystallizes in several ways;

-Rhombohedral: six face crystals with each face having the shape of a rhombus.

-Mass: minerals have no shape.

-Tabularis: Quadriline crystal usually flat.

– Twins: the twins are distinct in cinnabar, and a twin infiltration is made, which cuts six ridges into the point of the pyramid.

-Earthy: the tendency of the stone to be forced to dissolve.

Metaphysics of the Property of Cinnabar

-Cinnabar, which is called the merchant’s stone, is said to generate an increase in income when placed in a cash vault. It not only helps in acquiring material wealth but also in maintaining it.

-It helps to unite one with the “source of all being”. (Songs, pg. 209).

– Effective in the removal of energy blockages, to make it easier to realign the chakras (the seven subtle energies of the body).

-Fosters the quality of courage by removing the negative character of hostility.

– Develops a character characterized by confidence and efficiency in desires.

Cinnabar Healing Matters

– Effective in treatment of blood disorders.

– Beneficial in matters related to infertility.

-Helpful in the strength of one’s body.

-Useful in dealing with weight issues.

The astrological sign for Cinnabar is Leo. Flashes to the octagonal number.






MELODY (1995). Love on Earth: The Crystal Kaleidoscope. Wheat Ridge, Colorado: Earth-Love Publishing House.

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