Healthcare Headlines-How to Deal with High Blood Pressure

A doctor’s visit for someone who is middle aged will often result in the news that they have high blood pressure. An unfortunate, and certainly not uncommon, consequence of the American diet means high blood pressure for the lives of many.

One relief for those suffering with high blood pressure is that a bite of chocolate (note, not a chocolate bar, brownie, cupcake, pie, cookie or ice cream) may actually help to keep blood pressure at bay. Dark chocolate in particular, is well known for its high amount of antioxidants, which help to oxygenate blood and keep blood pressure at a healthy rate. The problem with this theory though, is that many use it as an excuse to indulge in chocolate and other sweets, which may actually make blood pressure worse.

In order to get the greatest effect dark chocolate has to offer, it is recommended to eat less then 30 calories of it each day. So rather than seeing high blood pressure as an excuse to eat more chocolate, keep in mind, that it will only be helpful if you literally eat a bite of it, more like a daily pill than a daily indulgence.

Small amounts of dark chocolate can take in dose such as a dark chocolate Hershey’s kiss.

Because chocolate also has high sugar, fat and calories, any more than 30 calories worth and you will undo the good chocolate may have otherwise done.

Sugar free chocolate is also not a bad idea for those with high blood pressure.

Much like any other home remedy, moderation is the key. When it comes to lowering blood pressure, drinking tea is a much healthier and safer way to boost anti-oxidants. It is also important to consider using sweetener or milk as added flavor instead of granulated sugar.

Also, doctors recommend partnering that daily chocolate dose with regular physical exercise.

It is also important to realize that the chocolate approach to reducing blood pressure does not work with individuals who are overweight or diabetic. The amount of sugar cancels out any of the positive benefits chocolate may have otherwise had.

Chocolate is seen as one tool for helping lower high blood pressure, it is certainly not the end all or a cure to this problem.

Other ways to lower blood pressure include lifestyle changes. This sounds much easier than it is, especially in today’s world. It is extremely difficult to change your diet when you are used to eating a certain way. However, in order to reduce blood pressure naturally, pill free, there are certain things one can do.

According to, an article posted on April 4, of 2006 highlighted the facts of lowering blood pressure in a safe and natural way. It is no secret that high blood pressure puts people at risk for heart attacks, strokes and other diseases.

One way to help improve overall health, particularly that of high blood pressure is by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods. Diets that are low in saturated fat, total fat and cholesterol will also prove to be more heart healthy. A diet rich in whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts seems to be the greatest way to reduce high blood pressure. Bulking up with fat, red meats, sweets and sugared beverages are a sure fire way to end up with an unhealthy heart and circulatory system in general.

It is estimated, according to, that 65 million adults in the U.S. currently have hypertension. A healthy diet is typically the best way to improve blood pressure to a healthy rate.

Losing weight, eating foods low in fat and salt and high in potassium are also ways to help the heart and reduce blood pressure.

Eating foods that are low in sugar will also certainly make a difference. Drinking alcohol and caffeine does not necessarily cause high blood pressure, however, limiting those drinks will help the heart overall.

It is also of course important to get exercise and manage stress. Fortunately, exercise is a great way to manage stress so you can kill two birds with one stone! Simply walking at a brisk pace for 20 minutes a day will make a big difference in the life of one who is mainly sedentary and a victim of high blood pressure.

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