HiB Vaccine Ingredients

HiB vaccine ingredients include Haemophilus influenzae Type B, polyribosylribitol phosphate, ammonium sulfate, formalin (also known as formaldehyde), and sucrose. The first two of these ingredients are the active ingredients in the vaccine, the next two are the absolute focus, and sucrose is a form of sugar. One of my greatest fears is that vaccines are not active particles, although I do not consider injecting live or dead bacterial or viral components of a lethal disease into the body to be a prudent action, but chemical and heavy metals ingredients in vaccines is of great concern to me.

Aconite Sulphate is commonly used as a fertilizer. As gross as that sounds, it is considered relatively non-toxic according to MSDS sheets. It’s MSDS’s hazard rate number means it’s low, so even though it’s considered relatively safe under common exposure conditions, it can be an irritant, so the potential damage is inside the body when it’s infused and can’t be. Will it be willing to wash that which is under normal nakedness? Our bodies come into contact with many things like chemicals and bacteria every day, but when introduced to an open wound or injected, they can cause serious complications.
To read my article on Ammonium Sulphate on Associated Content, (link was unavailable at the time of this writing)

Formalin, AKA Formaldehyde, is probably the worst ingredient in the HiB vaccine, formaldehyde is highly toxic. immune system weakens, and can cause damage to the neurological system, genetic damage, metabolic acidosis, circulatory collapse; respiratory failure and acute kidney failure, as well as being sensitive in a way that can make you sensitive to many other things, it is corrosive if ingested, and a suspected carcinogen that has been linked to lung cancer and leukemia in government studies. workers exposed to formaldehyde, as well as being linked to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Formaldehyde is actually a vaporous gas that was once relatively safe at levels of 1 part per million, (ppm), however after many sick people the FEMA mass changed their ratings and now say it is not safe. formaldehyde levels. (Formaldohyde is used in the manufacture of composite materials, plywood and many other industrial products). Thinking about the levels of 1ppm in gaseous form, in the vaccine is in liquid form that formaldehyde is 30 – 50, this can be a potentially huge dose to inject into the child.
Read my article on Formaldehyde here

HiB vaccines do not guarantee immunity, in fact in 1995, 74 cases of known vaccination status of 74 cases were investigated, 41 had at least 1 vaccine. Effects Vaccine side effects are not known at all because of the difficulty in placing vaccines, however, there is a possible link with transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome , thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis and sudden infant death syndrome.

In 1995, of 74 Hib disease cases where age and vaccination status were known, 41 or 55 percent received at least one Hib shot; 22 most appropriately vaccinated because of age; and had completed the 18th primary series.


Aconite Sulphate:



Formalin, AKA Formaldehyde:






Disclaimer: This article does not intend to give medical advice. The call to educate yourself is to take an active role in learning in deciding where your child will attend. /a> hedge as much as you can with medical experts on both sides, then make an educated decision. we did not make an informed decision until one son had Leukemia and the other Autism immediately after receiving their MMR vaccine. This sent us on a quest to investigate ourselves and others to seriously look into what toxic soups are infused with vaccines. The odds are that if your child is injured by a vaccine, you have little or no compensation against the industry.


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