High School Stereotypes Explained

As a recent high school graduate, the different cliques and posses are still fresh in my mind. Such categories have been satirized in films such as Mean Girls and American Pie. Each one is a stereotype, one that unfortunately holds true most of the time. This article is for those people who aren’t exactly clear what the cliques and stereotypes are, and also for those looking for a reminder of high school life.

The Jocks
They play all of the intramural sports, get the hottest girls at school, and are known for their lack of common (and general) knowledge. Jocks are portrayed as handsome, good-looking, and dumb. They can be found hanging out and hitting on the cheerleaders. On the weekends, they participate in events such as beer pong, block parties, and generally any activity in which alcohol is involved. Jocks pick on Goths and nerds.

The Cheerleaders
The cheerleader stereotype is that of a small-frame, beautiful hair, feisty attitude, and overall aesthetically pleasing. They are the mean girls of the school, perfectly complimenting the jocks. Cheerleaders sport the most expensive clothing brands and handbags and throw the best parties. They too, like the jocks, are known for not being very bright. Cheerleaders usually get away with everything they can muster or get their hands on. Refer to the movie John Tucker Must Die.

The Goths
Heavy metal and scream music can be found on their iPods. The Goths at almost every school across the United States and Canada gather and huddle in groups and sit on the grass, contemplating the sky. Some of them cut themselves. They wear outrageous outfits consisting of but not limited to: black fishnets, link chains, spike bracelets and necklaces, heavy eye makeup, and generally black garments. School administrators fear confrontation with the Goths.

The Nerds
They are not necessarily smart or valedictorian potential. The nerds do not go out on the weekends, but stay indoors playing video games instead. Their social lives are constricted and they dress in plaid shirts and high waisted pants. Many nerds have glasses or braces, and sometimes both. They get picked on by the Jocks and dream of someday being able to get with the cheerleaders. They have amazing skills at troubleshooting computers.

The Skaters/Surfers
The skaters and surfers miss class on a regular basis. They are involved with drugs such as marijuana and idolize Bob Marley. They spend their days skateboarding, snowboarding, or surfing, depending on the weather. This stereotype is characterized by long blonde hair and garments bought at Pac Sun. Their vocabulary consists of “Dude” and “Gnarly”.

The Rocker Punks
The rocker punks should not be confused with the Goths; they are more sociable with the other cliques. Some rocker punks are very intelligent and do fairly well in school. Their stereotype is characterized by tight pants, black jackets, and studded belts. They listen to hard core rock music and attend shows of local bands on the weekends. They despise the cheerleaders and the jocks because of their frivolity and stupidity. The rocker punks are heavily influence by mainstream bands such as Blink 182 and Green Day.

Remember that this is a recap of high school stereotypes and no one should be offended. Each clique is outlined and generalized. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule.

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