High Sodium Foods to Avoid

A high sodium diet can result in many health risks, the worst of which is high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. This is a well-known fact among the health conscious, and many strive to improve their diets by avoiding the salt they take. Unfortunately, however, sodium ranks high in the foods that many of us eat every day without a second thought.


Dietary supplements are the highest sodium foods on the market. The reason for all the salt is that when it freezes and sits for a long time, prepared foods lose much of their original integrity. and taste. Salt is easy and cheap to inject flavor into a product without concern for health. pain that eats Common frozen foods like TV lunches and pizza often have over 1,500 mg of sodium. Salt serves as a tasty preservative and enhancer of less than high food quality. As many chefs say, use salt if you have no other way to create flavor. Sodium also acts as a preservative for frozen meals if stored in the fridge or freezer for any length of time.


It’s no secret that in all things high-speed, you avoid the healthy food portion. There is no fast food around the world that does not distribute food high in fat, cholesterol and of course. sodium While many studies focus on the press and cholesterol, the sodium content of food is often hidden. The high amounts of salt in fast food are as much a health hazard if not more. elements High blood pressure and increased heart rate as a result of salt can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and arrhythmia especially with obesity and cholesterol is coupled with a high diet.

canned food

Canned foods are high in sodium for the same reasons as frozen foods, preservation and added flavor. Whenever you eat preserved food for long storage, you can expect high sodium levels. Freshness is best and home cooked is almost always far healthier than any type of prepared or preserved food.


Some restaurants use extreme sodium in their food. In general, the less talent a cook has, the more salt he gets into his food. Restaurants are known for restaurants increase their food with excessive and sometimes harmful amounts of salt.


Drugs are not a disease of their own in the Etruscans. Pasta, tomatoes, cheese, and oil are all very beautiful when eaten alone. These things combined to make the pizza quality are cheap and unhealthy. Some tomato sauces have high levels of sodium, as do some cheeses and pasta.

High sodium food eaters;

If you eat any of these or other high sodium foods, make sure to accompany them with plenty of water. Water will help to dilute and remove sodium from your system thus lowering your heart, blood pressure and length of time. sodium will remain in your body.

Mayo Clinic: How To Tame Your Salty Habits Now


Prepared Food Network: Salt Intake and Stroke


Boston: Prepared Foods Drive Salt attraction in the US


Washington University in St Louis: Meniere’s Page, Sodium Content of Common Foods


Ask people: Healthy Frozen Dinners


MSNBC: Will Defrost Your Diet?


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