History of Led Zeppelin

When it comes to the history of Led Zeppelin, there really is a lot to talk about. This English rock band was first formed in 1968. The members of the group were Jimmy Page on guitar, Robert Plant vocalist, John Paul Jones on the bass guitar and keyboard and John Bonham on the drums When people think of heavy metal, they usually think of Led Zeppelin as the first group to ever play heavy metal. When you review the history of the group Led Zeppelin, you will see how they were able to stay together for 25 years. They also have the record in the World Business Book Records for the highest attendance at the show.

At the beginning of Zeppelin’s history, they were able to complete a total of eight concert tours. Half of them in the US and Half in the UK. Unlike some artists, their second album seems to do better than their first album. Their third album received mixed reviews for a different sound that many fans weren’t used to hearing Led Zeppelin form. What many people don’t know is that groups don’t like to make television appearances, but prefer their fans to live and see them in person. Of course, as with any group that quickly rises to the top and succeeds, they quickly have a reputation in large parts and cause problems wherever they go. They seem to leave damage wherever they go. He was also using drugs during the band’s surgery, which would eventually start them on a downward spiral towards the end of Led Zeppelin. Certain problems seemed to follow the members of the Zeppelin leadership. In 1975 Robert Plant and his wife were in a car accident which left Robert badly injured. Led Zeppelin did not tour in 1976 due to injuries. In 1977 Karac lost five year-old‘s son to a stomach virus, which wiped out the remainder of the tour that year.

Despite the chaos that caused many of his songs, they are still heard today on television commercials and radio records. One very popular one is called “Rock and Roll”. In 1974 they branched out and chose to start their own record label, which was called “Son Son”. The label ended at the same time as their career.

The group ended in 1980 after the death of John Bonham. The group has broken several records, including having sold three hundred million albums worldwide. Also, every album they’ve ever released has made it into the top ten list. As recently as December 10th, 2007 they reunited in London for a tribute concert. John Bonham’s son also included. Captain Zeppelin had one of the longest careers one can get hands on. In spite of the difficulties, they entered into great music. For more on Lod Zeppelin you can visit www.ledzeppelin.com.




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