Home Remedy for Itchy Ears

A simple home remedy for dry, itchy skin in your ear canal is no further than your kitchen or bathroom. Small amounts of oil, preferably sweet oil (also known as extra light olive oil) or baby oil, will help lubricate and moisturize the ear canal, which can eliminate dry itchy skin as well as help loosen dried wax build up, allowing it to dislodge and exit the ear canal as intended.

You’ll need the following items for this natural home remedy for dry ears: oil, cotton swabs, cotton balls or disposable earplugs, tissues, and a towel.

The easiest and least messy way to put the oil in your ear canal is to have someone help you, but this isn’t always convenient. If you don’t mind a little clean up afterwards, doing this home remedy yourself is simple. First, assemble all of your items on a table. Lay out the towel on the table. Rest one side of your head on the towel so that the ear on the opposite side of your head is facing upward.

Dip a cotton swab in the oil and allow it to become saturated. Quickly position the swab over the opening into your ear canal. Press the swab against the sides of the canal to express the oil, which will slide down and coat your entire ear canal. Do NOT put the swab any further than 1/8 of an inch into your ear canal; any deeper and you risk damaging your ear drum. You may feel a sensation of fullness as the oil settles against your eardrum, but don’t worry – that feeling will dissipate after your head is upright.

After you’ve expressed a few drops of oil, take a cotton ball or earplug and insert into the outer portion of your ear canal. This serves two purpose: one, it will prevent the oil from leaking out of your ear when your head is upright and two, it will retain heat in your ear canal, enabling the oil to soften any dried wax and also penetrate the skin to add moisture. It’s best to do this before bedtime since plugged ears will affect your hearing. Use a tissue to wipe off any oil drops that landed on your outer ear.

Repeat this process on your other ear. In the morning, you can remove the earplugs. Use a tissue to again gently wipe away any excess oil on your outer ear. DO NOT insert a cotton swab into your ear canal; you should leave the oil in there to continue to provide moisture and lubrication.

You can perform this home remedy for dry, itchy ears daily until the itching is relieved. Follow up once per week to keep your ear canal moisturized and comfortable. And, of course, visit your doctor if you experience any pain, bleeding or hearing loss before, during or after this home treatment.


National Institutes of Health, Wax Blockage, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000979.htm


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