Homemade Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Everyone has experienced a feeling of nausea, and bubbling in their stomach. Many people run to the store and pick up over the counter medication, but few realize that the same results can be achieved at home with simple remedies. I have collected ten remedies that can be used to cure an upset stomach in the comfort of your own home. Please remember if your symptoms are persistent and strong it is important to visit a doctor.

1.) Sports Drinks. Many people have Gatorade, Powerade, or some other form of sport drink in their home, but few know the healing powers within them. Many sports drinks restore your electrolytes which is essential to keep your stomach acids balanced. The salts within the drink also help you stay hydrated well which will also fight those horrible stomach clenches.

2.) Pressure points. Pressure points have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. Pressure points within the hand are commonly used in acupuncture which is believed to cure stomach pains. At home it is best give yourself a hand massage pressing firmly between your thumb and forefinger. Doing so is believed to relax your stomach and cure indigestion.

3.) Corn Syrup is effective in neutralizing stomach acid. Only a tablespoon of this potent remedy will have you feeling better as soon as it is digested.

4.) If you have an empty stomach that is upset, peppermint tea is a good remedy. This tea will help you stay hydrated, and feel more full while curing the bubbly feeling within your stomach.

5.) Hot water bath. Taking a hot water bath cures your stomach by allowing the fluids to calm within the submerged water. Once your stomach acids are more still it can cure itself through digestion and time.

6.) Sugarless coffee can be used to treat nausea, but only if you generally like coffee. Without sugar and cream the acids within can help speed up digestion of tough foods.

7.) Rice Water. A half a cup of rice can absorb dangerous stomach acids when mixed with water and boiled. After straining out the rice the leftovers within the water will efficiently absorb the harmful and nauseating acids.

8.) Diet Root Beer. Although many people associated root beer with upsetting your stomach it can be useful. Adding a pinch of salt to it will neutralize the fizz and actually help your stomach fill up, and digest foods that make your stomach hurt.

9.) Sparkling water. Plain sparking water is effective in helping stomach pain, and reducing constipation and gas. If your stomach is blocked up, this is the remedy for you.

10.) Beef Bullion boiled in water is a good acid neutralizing drink. This bullion will focus your stomach acids on digesting the dissolved cube, and not upsetting your stomach and burning its lining.

I have used more than a few of these remedies, and now am a believer in home medicine. Without knowing these remedies you can easily spend lots of money at the drug store.

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