Homemade Remedies for Sunburn Relief

Summertime means spending more time in the sun. Unfortunately, it also means getting more sunburns to the skin, sometimes when you least expect it. Have you ever driven a long distance, only to realize later, that your left arm is red and tender to the touch? Sometimes we underestimate the power of the sun and its Ultraviolet rays. But relief is always just moments away when you have homemade remedies for sunburn relief.

Most sunburns are first degree, meaning that the affected skin is only red and painful. To relieve the redness and the discomfort instantly, apple cider vinegar is a natural, homemade remedy that will bring relief. Just dab a generous amount of apple cider vinegar onto the affected sunburn. You’ll feel it’s cooling power immediately. Repeat the application as necessary until the burning sensation is completely gone.

Another homemade remedy for the relief of sunburn is to apply Aloe Vera juice to the affected area. Simply break off a leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and rub it directly onto the burn. Have no such plant in the house? Then head to your refrigerator, because milk works the same way for sunburn relief. Dab a generous amount of milk onto the affected area. The milk will draw the heat out and provide a soothing sensation.

If your sunburn is more widespread across your body, then use this homemade remedy: fill your bathtub with several inches of cool- not warm or hot- water. Cool water will help relieve the pain and tenderness. Warm or hot water will only aggravate the problem. Then, pour a cup of oatmeal into the water and swish it around. Soak in the bathtub for a half an hour or so, making sure to immerse sunburned skin areas in the oatmeal water. Instead of the oatmeal, you can use Peppermint oil in the water too, to bring cooling relief.

Have no time to soak in the bathtub? Then fill a clean spray bottle with cool water and a half cup of milk, or a few drops of Peppermint oil. Shake well, then spritz the sunburned area generously with the mixture.

You can also use wet tea bags to bring relief to your sunburn in a flash. Simply place two or three tea bags in a bowl of cool water. Then, dab the tea bags on the affected area. The tannic acid in the tea will help draw out the heat and cool your sunburn down so it won’t be as painful.

Believe-it-or-not, the juice of a raw potato can also help relieve sunburn pain and heal a small affected area of your skin. To use this homemade remedy, simply cut a raw potato in half. Gently rub the juice onto the sunburned area and let the juice do its thing.

No matter which of these homemade remedies you decide to use to make your sunburned skin feel better, you should also drink plenty of water along with it. The water will help hydrate your skin, especially the sunburned areas.

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