Homemade Treatments for Bedsores

They’re called “Pressure Sores” or “Bedsores” and they normally affect patients who are bedridden, hence their name. They also affect people who are disabled and can’t move around freely. Even people who have numbness in parts of their bodies, and plaster casts on broken arms or legs, experience these painful sores. Once a Pressure Sore is detected, it needs medical attention immediately. A doctor usually prescribes antibiotics to treat this condition, but there are
homemade treatments for Bedsores that work amazingly well.

Bedsores, which are actually skin ulcers, are usually found on bony parts of the body. The most common spots a Bedsore will appear at are on the bottom, hips, pelvis, shoulder blades, spine, elbows, knees and ankles. When a person lies or sits too long in the same position, the blood vessels under the skin can get shut off because of the pressure. Without circulation, the area cannot get oxygen. The result is the area of flesh forms a dark or red spot. Without treatment, the spot will then turn into an open sore. If it’s still left untreated, a Pressure Sore or Bedsore will worsen yet. It’s not unusual for this type of ulcer to end up being as deep as the bone.

A simple homemade treatment for mild Bedsores or Pressure Sores is to use hot and cold compresses. The compresses not only help draw out the infection, but they also increase the blood circulation to the area. Dip a clean, sterile cloth into hot- not boiling- water, then wring it out loosely to make a compress. Apply the hot compress onto the affected area for three minutes. Then, place a cold compress- a clean, sterile cloth dipped into cold water and wrung out loosely- over the ulcer for half a minute. Repeat this process three times, ending with the cold compress. Apply hot and cold compresses to Bedsores and Pressure Sores three times a day.

You can also apply an equal mixture of Witch Hazel and Goldenseal to skin ulcers to help heal them. Witch Hazel is an astringent that will aid in killing the harmful bacteria. It also promotes the healing of Pressure Sores and Bedsores. Goldenseal does the same. It’s a powerful bacteria-killing herb that was used by Native Americans to cure skin ailments. Use the Witch Hazel/Goldenseal mixture three times a day.

Another effective, homemade treatment for Bedsores and Pressure Sores is Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is another one of nature’s most powerful antiseptics. Mix two or three drops of this oil into a cup of tap water. Apply this mixture to skin ulcers three times a day using a clean, sterile cloth.

And finally, if you have an Aloe Vera plant, you can use the gel to help heal skin ulcers. Break off a piece of the leaf and apply the clear sticky gel to Bedsores and Pressure Sores.

No matter which homemade treatment you choose, keep the Bedsores clean and dry. You should also take Vitamins A, B, C and E to help heal and rejuvenate the injured skin.

Note: This information is not meant to replace medical advice from a licensed healthcare professional. Always consult your doctor for proper medical treatment.

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