Homemade Treatments for Ear Infections

When I was a child, I seemed to have more than my share of ear infections. As I grew older, the infections became fewer, but no one can “outgrow” this painful medical condition. If you catch an ear infection at its onset, the chances are good that it will be healed quickly and it won’t become a serious problem. Take a pain reliever and use these homemade treatments for ear infections the next time you feel one coming on:

First off, you should always dry both ears thoroughly after you bathe or swim, whether you have an ear infection or not. Having moisture inside your ears makes a fertile breeding ground for germs and bacteria. You can use a blow dryer for this purpose. Hold the dryer in one hand while you gently pull down one earlobe. Set the dryer on “low” and hold it about eighteen inches away from your ear. Aim the blow dryer at your ear and let it dry your inner ear for twenty seconds or so. Then, repeat the process with your other ear.

The most effective homemade treatment for ear infections is probably to mix up a couple natural oils and use them as ear drops. You can find natural oils at your local healthfood store. Or, perform a search on the Internet and order some online.

Tea tree oil and olive oil seem to work the best. Mix together an eighth of a cup of Tea Tree oil and the same amount of olive oil in a resealable container. Use an eye dropper and place two or three drops of the mixture into each inner ear canal. If you gently warm the drops first by placing them on a metal teaspoon and holding a lit match underneath, they’ll feel more soothing inside your ears.

When you apply the ear drops a couple times each day, insert cotton balls in your ears to keep the oils from running out.

You can also make a steam bath, of sorts, that helps calm ear infections. Eucalyptus and and any mint oil are excellent choices. Place boiling water in a small bowl or metal pan. Stir in a few drops of the Eucalyptus oil and a few drops of mint oil. Lean your head over the bowl and place a clean towel over top. Inhale the aromas and feel your head clear. Do this a couple times each day to help clear out the ear infection.

Ear candling, or Coning, is a homemade treatment for ear infections that claims to remove infection. (Some people swear by this remedy, while other people swear at it.) The small end of the candle, which is in the shape of a cone, is placed inside the ear. A wick is lit, and the vacuum that’s created by the flame removes ear wax and any infection that’s inside the ear. You can purchase ear candles at your local healthfood store.

When it’s taken internally, garlic oil is beneficial in lowering high blood pressure, it cleanses your blood and it helps remove harmful plaque from the arteries. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic. That what makes it beneficial as a homemade treatment for ear infections. You can buy garlic oil at your local healthfood store or purchase it on the Internet. Mix a couple drops of garlic oil with a couple drops of water to dilute it. Then, place a couple drops of the mixture in each affected ear. Place a cotton ball to keep it from running out, and your ears should feel better in two or three days.

If your ears don’t begin to feel better after a day, or they worsen, consult your healthcare professional.

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