Homemade Treatments for Water Retention (Edema)

The human body is made up of 75% water. Water is so vital to our health, that, we can only live about three days without it. However, too much water stored inside our bodies can be detrimental to our health as well. The common symptoms of water retention are a distended stomach, bloated legs and ankles and a round, puffy face. Serious medical problems such as heart and kidney disease can cause water retention (Edema). Other factors, such as a high salt intake or monthly menstrual periods can cause this common problem too. Your doctor can prescribe prescription diuretics, or, you can use these homemade treatments for water retention:

1. Monitor Your Diet: Cut Down on Your Sodium Intake
According to the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, a person only needs between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams of sodium (salt) each day. Besides causing your body to retain excess water, too much sodium can also raise your blood pressure.

There are four simple ways you can cut down on your sodium intake: 1) Don’t add salt to your food; 2)Use healthy salt substitutes; 3)Check the ingredients of processed foods before you eat them, and 4) Eat more fresh foods.

2. Eat Dandelion Greens, Drink the Tea or Take the Capsules
When you think of Dandelion greens, you probably think about those pesky weeds that pop up in your yard. Actually, the leaves can be prepared and eaten like spinach. They are chock full of potassium, vitamin A, iron and calcium. Dandelion greens are also an excellent diuretic. You can also buy this homemade treatment to drink as a tea. Or, you can buy Dandelion Greens in capsule form.

3. Are You Drinking Enough Water?
This homemade treatment for water retention will probably surprise you. If you’re not drinking enough water, you may suffer from the symptoms of Edema. Why? Because, whenever the human body doesn’t get enough water put into it, it automatically hoards the water it has. So, if you’re not drinking six to eight glasses of water a day, increasing your intake may solve your water retention problem.

4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Even though it may be the last thing you may feel like doing when you’re bloated, performing exercises can actually help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of water retention. Even just taking a walk around the block will help get your heart pumping. On top of that, your circulatory system will perform better and your organs- including your kidneys- will kick into gear as well.

5. Mix Up a Homemade Treatment of Parsley Tea
Parsley is another effective homemade treatment for water retention, or Edema. This green cousin of the carrot is commonly used as a garnish in cooking. It’s also an effective diuretic when it’s made into tea: Chop up a bunch of fresh Parsley. Stir two teaspoons into a cup of boiling water. Allow the Parsley to steep for ten minutes. Then, drink the tea. Drink this three times a day and your water retention problem should clear up.

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